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UK Member of Parliament: "when basic human rights are infringed upon we should all stand up and be counted."

September 01, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 28, 2002, a press conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners in China. The following letter of support from a practitioner's MP was read at the press conference.

23rd August 2002

Dear (name omitted):

Thank you for your letter dated 22nd August with regard to an invitation to the Press Conference on 28th August in Edinburgh. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to a prior engagement. I would, however, like to take this opportunity to say a few words, which I hope the Chairman of the Falun Gong (UK) Association will read out on my behalf.

'Freedom of expression and Freedom of speech are basic civil liberties, which we should all fight to keep, when basic human rights are infringed upon we should all stand up and be counted. I will continue to support the practitioners of Falun Gong, which was first brought to my attention by [name omitted], which I thank her for.'

Once again thank you for the invite. I hope the day is a great success

Yours sincerely,

Member of Parliament

(Name omitted to avoid Chinese consulate's harassment)