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Latest News from China - 09/08/2002

September 16, 2002 |  


  • [Dalian City] Dalian Cable TV Installs Monitoring System
  • [China] The Cowardly Dictator Is Being Supported by Fewer and Fewer People
  • [Shenyang City] Imprisoned Practitioner Gao Lianyi in Dabei Surveillance Hospital is on the Verge of Death
  • [Hebei Province] Village Head Has Regrets and States, "We Must Not Arrest These Good People."
  • [Xinji City] The Crimes of Xie Zhiyuan in a Brainwashing Class
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Female Practitioner Zhao Nianzhen Illegally Arrested Again
  • [Anshan City] Female Practitioner Wang Yan Being Tortured in Anshan Second Detention Center
  • [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Recently Kidnapped Practitioners
  • [Yanbian, Jilin Province] Yanbian Practitioners Wish the Falun Dafa Conference in Korea a Success
  • [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrest Practitioners on a Large Scale and Destroy Materials Centers
  • [Hefei City, Anhui Province] A Practitioner Is Arrested
  • [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Guangming Cinema Is Playing Films to Slander Dafa
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] List of Collaborators Who Are Assisting in the Persecution
  • [Weifang City, Shandong Province] A Ridiculous Cultural-Revolution-Style Film Appears in Weifang
  • [JinZhou City, Liaoning Province] Residents Are Forced to Watch a Film Slandering Dafa

1. [Dalian City] Dalian Cable TV Installs Monitoring System

Dalian Cable TV planned to install a monitoring system for the Cable TV network produced by the Guang Science Institute. The installation will cover around two thousand network nodes throughout the City.

A cable TV station installed monitors in every transmission tower and broadcast room, attempting to block any possibility of being tapped by pro-Dafa programming. Dafa practitioners sent out righteous thoughts to disable the monitoring equipment. Since its installation, the monitoring system has not functioned properly. The company that installed it has no clue what the problem is. The company claims that they have never seen such a problem before and cannot pinpoint the trouble.

2. [China] The Cowardly Dictator Is Being Supported by Fewer and Fewer People

A practitioner talked with a mayor about Falun Dafa. The mayor said recently, "Jiang is stupid. How can he take away the cultivators' determination by means of suppression?" The practitioner asked, "How many government officials around you have an opinion similar to yours?" "Most of them." the mayor answered. When the practitioner talked with the people working at the Public Security Bureau, he heard the same answer. This is more anecdotal evidence that Jiang is losing his people.

3. [Shenyang City] Imprisoned Practitioner Gao Lianyi in Dabei Surveillance Hospital is on the Verge of Death

Imprisoned Shenyang practitioner Gao Lianyi is currently in the Dabei Surveillance Hospital of Dabei Prison. He has been on a hunger strike for three and half months and is on the verge of death. The prison tightly blocks any information concerning him.

4. [Hebei Province] Village Head Has Regrets and States ,"We Must Not Arrest These Good People."

A practitioner in a town in Hebei Province keeps the Fa in his heart and follows Teacher's teaching to be a good person. Yuantou Town has an elderly villager who is in extreme financial difficulty and lives upon the town government's relief payment. But this year he did not get any payment from the town. The practitioner saw that he was in such a dilemma, so he voluntarily helps to support the elder with his own money. Later the town leader told the elder, "Sorry, we don't have any money for you." Then the elder told him the deed that the practitioner did and added, "The Falun Gong practitioners are good people. Don't arrest these good people any more." The leader said, "We know that they are good people, but our superiors have ordered us to arrest them."

A village is located at the foot of a mountain upon which is a big temple. In the winter of the last two years, the weather has been very dry. Since the weeds and trees are very heavy around the temple, the temple easily catches fire. Every time the temple caught fire, the head of the village tried hard to encourage people to help, but most of the people who did come to help were practitioners. Seeing the practitioners who were helping on the front line, the head of the village said with regret, "We must not arrest these good people against our conscience as we did before."

5. [Xinji City] The Crimes of Xie Zhiyuan in a Brainwashing Class

Xie Zhiyuan and other accomplices in the Xinji Brainwashing Class performed forceful brainwashing on practitioners. They took four shifts to brainwash practitioners 24 hours a day. Practitioners are deprived of sleep for twenty to thirty days, suffering from physical torture (such as verbal abuse, cuffing of the hands behind the back, being hung up and being beaten). They try to force practitioners to write statements to denounce Falun Gong. Xie Zhiyuan and the other accomplices have totally lost their rationality. Their deeds violate the Chinese Constitution and are against the principles of heaven.

6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Female Practitioner Zhao Nianzhen Illegally Arrested Again

At 4:30 p.m. on August 22, 2002 Zhao NianZhen was forcefully taken from her home by residency policeman Chou Angui from the Hanzhong Police Station, Lu Guoan of Changshou Community District on Hanzhong Street in Qiaokou District of Wuhan, Liu Li from the Community Office and another person.

7. [Anshan City] Female Practitioner Wang Yan Being Tortured in Anshan Second Detention Center

More then ten practitioners who were forced out of their homes by the authorities were arrested in August 2002. Their whereabouts are unknown.

From recent news, illegally detained female practitioner Wang Yan in Anshan Second Detention Center was severely injured after falling out of a building while being interrogated by police. Other sources say a female practitioner in Anshan Center Hospital who is in critical condition is wearing a heavy instrument of torture. The scene got more and more attention as people came to see what was going on. People said, "She is in such critical condition, but still wearing chains, she must be a criminal on death row." The police corrected them, "She is Falun Gong." Another policeman said, "[we] don't want to cure her!" The doctor then required their signature to avoid being accused of ignoring a patient's emergency situation. The police did not want to sign and had to leave her in the hospital, but sent a policeman over to monitor her. Based on the time line, we think that the person in the hospital could possibly be Wang Yan.

On August 20, police from Dagushan in Jiubao District, Anshan City broke into the home of Liu and forcefully took him and his mother away. Witnesses said, "The police are so rude that they are like bandits."

8. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] List of Recently Kidnapped Practitioners

Long Lianhong, Li Guifang (female), Chuang Jing (female), Zou Guoqiang, Wang Xiaoyun (female), Wang Liyan (female), Wang Lihua (female), Wang Yu (female), Liu Haiyan (female), Xin Shulian (female), Song Yuxiang (female), and Song Tao.

9. [Yanbian, Jilin Province] Yanbian Practitioners Wish the Falun Dafa Conference in Korea a Success

Yanbian Practitioners wish the Falun Dafa Conference in Korea a success.

September 5, 2002

(Note: Yanbian is a self-administrated county of Chaoxian Province.)

10. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrest Practitioners on a Large Scale and Destroy Materials Centers

11. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] A Practitioner Is Arrested

Xi Tiejun, male, 31, worked for the Peace Hotel in Hefei, Anhui Province. He was arrested by Wuhu Road Police Station two weeks ago.

12. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] Guangming Cinema Is Playing Films to Slander Dafa

13. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] List of Collaborators Who Are Assisting in the Persecution

Xiong Yuan, Li Youli (Female), Zhou Lan (female), Li Xipin (female), Wu Peilu, a person with the last name Wang, a person with the last time Gong. They try to force practitioners in the brainwashing class to write statements that denounce Falun Gong against their conscience.

14. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] A Ridiculous Cultural-Revolution-Style Film Appears in Weifang

In the afternoon of August 27, Zhongtian Cinema in Weifang City played a ridiculous film to slander Dafa and poison people. The local evil forces and a bunch of political puppets totaling 200 people watched the film. The Extended Angle of Society column of a local Radio and TV newspaper reported on the film. The authorities plan to run the film in every county and city cinema in Weifang.

15. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Residents Are Forced to Watch a Film Slandering Dafa

The Propaganda Department of Jinzhou City Committee along with another nine departments have dispatched a document requiring all government units, companies, factories, and schools in the city (including counties and districts) to watch a film slandering Dafa. From September 13 to 30, the film will be played in the city first, then go to counties and districts. The evil forces are trying to use this method to poison people's minds.

September 7, 2002