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A Japanese Lawyer's Letter to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Regarding Yoko Kaneko

September 22, 2002 |  


Re: Release of Yoko Kaneko

Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs Yoriko Kawaguchi:

I am the lead legal counsel for five Falun Gong practitioners seeking asylum in Japan.

As you know, the persecution of Falun Gong has reached the stage of outrage, with Falun Gong practitioners being arbitrarily arrested, forcibly put into forced labor camps and psychiatric hospitals, as well as being beaten and tortured. This has led to many deaths.

The persecution by the Jiang regime seriously violates the freedoms of thought, belief and expression. The Jiang regime has also violated the United Nations Covenant on Human Rights. On August 20, Mrs. Mary Robinson, the UN Human Rights High Commissioner, condemned Jiang's regime for intensifying the persecution while expressing her concern regarding the human rights situation in China.

Under the above circumstances, Yoko Kaneko, wife of a Japanese citizen, went with two other female Japanese practitioners of Falun Gong to Beijing to distribute materials about the persecution. As a result, they were arrested and detained by the Chinese police. Mrs. Kaneko was then sent by the Beijing Forced Labor Management Commission to serve an 18 month term in a forced labor camp. She is now being held at Beijing's Female Forced Labor Camp.

The husband confirmed that his wife had lost a significant amount of weight, approximately 20 pounds, and had two large bruises on her wrists. The wife, who used to be outgoing and energetic, appeared emotionless and not responding to the husband. When they met, they couldn't communicate freely because they were being watched by eight Chinese government officials and staff members of the forced labor camp.

The husband believes that if this torture continues, greater tragedies will occur. He is greatly concerned about his wife's condition.

I believe that we cannot ignore this situation.

We hope you, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, pay close attention to the unjust persecution happening in China and demand the immediate release of Yoko Kaneko as well as appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

I do not think the request will constitute any unreasonable interference of Chinese government. In fact, it should be a position to be established in the interaction between the two countries.

I look forward to your wise decision.

Sincerely yours,

Tadanori Onitsuka

Lead Legal Councilman Representing Falun Gong practitioners Seeking Asylum in Japan