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Open Letter from Practitioners in Canada to Japanese Government Officials Appealing for the Rescue of Yoko Kaneko

September 06, 2002 |  

Dear Members of the Japanese Government,

We would like to express our grave concern over the desperate situation that Japanese resident, Mrs. Yoko Kaneko, is currently enduring in a labor camp in China. We are writing to appeal to your kindhearted good nature to make more determined efforts to secure her immediate release.

Mrs. Kaneko was illegally detained and sentenced to one and one half years of forced labor on June 24, 2002. Why did this happen? Mrs. Kaneko went to China to appeal for an end of the brutal persecution and human rights violations of people who enjoy the wonderful ancient cultivation practice called Falun Gong. People who practice Falun Gong are peaceful, productive members of society who strive to follow the universal principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance in all aspects of their lives.

In August, Chinese officials permitted Mr. Atsushi Kaneko to briefly visit his wife in the forced labor camp. He later confirmed in a press conference that his wife Yoko has been suffering physical and mental torture. She has lost significant weight and seems "not in her right mind."

It is disheartening to learn what Mrs. Kaneko endures, and that someone with such great courage, going to China to speak out against gross human rights violations, can be treated so brutally simply for appealing for justice. Courageous hearts such as hers should be treasured and respected, not persecuted.

In the past three years, the Canadian government has spoken out loudly under similar circumstances to obtain the release of three Falun Gong practitioners from Canada: Professor Zhang Kunlun, Zhu Ying and Shenli Lin. Similarly, the Irish government's efforts resulted in the successful release of Irish practitioner Zhao Ming. So, too, may your government's efforts lead to the timely release of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko.

We are very encouraged by the outpouring of support and to see so many kindhearted people in Japan and around the world expressing their desire to see Mrs. Kaneko released. Thousands of Japanese citizens have joined Members of Parliament to sign petitions expressing their wish to see Mrs. Kaneko rescued. Mrs. Kaneko's husband, Mr. Atsushi Kaneko, recently delivered a petition bearing over 30,000 signatures to Mr. Seiken Sugiura, Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs. A multi-party association was formed by 21 Japanese Members of Parliament to help obtain Mrs. Kaneko's release. We are confident that such virtuous actions will lead to success in obtaining Mrs. Kaneko's release, and in bringing a wonderful future to all who support them.

We trust that you, honorable members of the Japanese government, will follow the will of the people and do all in your power to bring Mrs. Kaneko home quickly and safely to her family in Japan, and we offer our most heartfelt encouragement for you to do so.

We look forward to hearing of your noble and unyielding actions to obtain the earliest possible release of Mrs. Yoko Kaneko, and thank you for your kind attention to this urgent matter.


Falun Gong Practitioners in Canada