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Several Dafa Practitioners from Panjin City, Liaoning Province Break Free from Labor Camps, Detention Center and Prison

January 12, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The vicious guards in the Panjin City Labor Camp brutally tortured Dafa practitioners under the instigation of Zhang Shoujiang, head of the labor camp. The guards tortured the practitioners by hanging them up from their handcuffs, violently beating them, applying electric shock, forcing them to squat repeatedly or remain still for long periods of time either standing or sitting, exposing them to freezing temperatures in the winter and exposing them to the blazing sun in summer, depriving them of sleep, force-feeding them alcohol, forcing them to inhale cigarette smoke, splashing their faces with urine, and keeping them under tight watch 24 hours a day. They tried everything they could think of to try to force Dafa practitioner to betray their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."

On December 20th, 2002, six practitioners including Sun Xiucheng, Han Chonghui, Wang Gang, Li Dengwen, Ning Shaoheng and Li Yunlong broke free from the labor camp with dignity, rejoining the current of Fa-rectification.

Dafa practitioners Yin Baowen and Xin Minduo left Panjin City Labor Camp. Meng Jian, Jiang Xiulan and Li Baojie left a detention center, while Yang Lixin broke free from the Dabei Prison of Shenyang City. These Dafa practitioners were forced to become homeless and go from place to place to avoid further persecution. Su Ying left the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp with dignity after 150 days of a hunger strike protest.

(Translated from http://www.minghui.cc/mh/articles/2003/1/3/42133.html & http://www.minghui.cc/mh/articles/2003/1/3/42134.html)