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The First Italian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Meeting

January 14, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Italy

(Clearwisdom.net) From January 4 to 6, practitioners from different parts of Italy met and shared experiences for three days in Bergamo, near Milan. It was the first time that practitioners in Italy held this type of meeting.

Practitioners in Italy live far from each other, and as a result it is not easy for them to meet each other regularly. The language barrier also makes for challenges in communication between Western and Chinese practitioners. As a result, the practitioners cherished this chance to meet and share experiences. Some practitioners overcame financial difficulties and time constraints to join the experience meeting. Practitioners studied Teacher Li's new articles and the Falun Gong book Essentials for Further Advancement, and also discussed how to study the Fa [Law and Principles of Falun Gong. Here it refers to Teacher Li's books and articles].

After the gathering, the practitioners felt that everyone had changed positively. One Western practitioner said that he previously thought that it was completely impossible to overcome the differences between the Western and Chinese practitioners. However, he thought that through experience sharing and communication, practitioners had become like one body. One Chinese practitioner said that she had came to a new understanding of the improvement together through the experience sharing.

Practitioners shared their experiences with open hearts. Anything unclear was discussed and understandings were shared. Teacher Li had emphasized several times in the recent articles on the compassion between practitioners, so we all realized it was a concern that we should pay more attention to. Any misunderstandings between practitioners in the past also disappeared because of the kindness everyone had towards one another.

Some practitioners who had gone through the persecution in China shared others their experiences and the lessons they had learned in China.

Two practitioners from Germany also joined the gathering and shared their experiences and understandings with the practitioners in Italy. The practitioners thought that the gathering really had an effect in helping everyone to improve in every aspect. Practitioners also decided to organize similar experience sharing gatherings in the future.
