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Summary of Other Articles and News - 1/15/2003

January 18, 2003 |  


Truth About the Persecution

On December 11, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal. I was sent back to the local police department and detained 15 days. Afterwards, the police often came to my home to harass me. Later, I was arrested for distributing flyers by the local police station. The police hit my face until it turned black and blue and my nose bled. They detained me for one month. I held a hunger strike and continuously sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in other dimensions who are behind this abuse. The next day, severe physical symptoms appeared and I was released home. On June 26, 2002, the evil police coerced me to attend a brainwashing class and I was forced to leave home and roam about to avoid illegal arrest. When I returned home, I was again forcibly arrested and sent to a brainwashing class on November 5, 2002.

News From China

A letter to my family (By a Dafa practitioner in jail): I have two "bodyguards" here who watch me 24 hours a day. In the first two days, a police officer asked me to do labor and I refused. First, I am innocent and should not be forced to do physical labor. No matter how easy the work is, it is humiliating and a Dafa practitioner should never accept it. Secondly, I should certainly reject this kind of unreasonable demand while my arms are injured.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Dafa practitioners should pay more attention to their children's improvement on the Fa. They are our children in this life, not only because they have a predestined relationship with us, but perhaps they came to assimilate to Dafa or they even have greater missions. We should therefore help the children to study the Fa more and truly improve in the Fa, so they can fulfill their prehistoric wishes.

My family: my husband thinks Falun Gong is very good, but he doesn't understand why the practitioners go to Beijing to appeal and clarify the truth. I selectively chose some of Master's new articles and other articles from Minghui Net and read them to him. Before I read them, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind my husband's thoughts. Slowly, he built up righteous thoughts and understood Dafa practitioners' selfless acts of justice. He began to clarify the truth to familiar clients and asked them not to oppose Dafa. The result was that the product he promoted immediately fell short of demand. He said he was rewarded for his good acts. Now, when I clarify the truth to family and friends, instead of stopping me, he even helps me with it.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Some experiences chatting online: I felt the energy field was very powerful when I sent forth righteous thoughts as I chatted. So I both clarified the truth and eliminated the evil and achieved two goals at the same time. Later I realized that maybe the evil was trying to interfere with me when I chatted, so they actually waited for their elimination.

The Truth and People's Hearts

On Saturday, a tall Westerner greeted me in Chinatown because I told him the truth about Falun Dafa last Saturday. He is going to China for a work-related trip and he said, "I will make sure to tell what I know to my Chinese friends and colleagues, and ask them to tell their friends. I will expose every bit of the Chinese dictator's lies and brutalities of murdering the innocent!"