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To Listen with Your Heart and Mind

January 26, 2003 |  

Shared at the 2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Conference

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Dafa practitioner from Sweden. I have been studying Chinese in the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) for five months now. However, I come here today to share my experiences in practicing Falun Dafa with all of you.

Last October, I went to Hong Kong for a Falun Dafa concert. I performed by singing a solo. I was inexperienced in singing and even more so a solo let alone singing a song in Chinese in public.

But, since some practitioners asked me whether I would like to sing the song "Wei ni er lai 'Coming for You'" written by Falun Dafa practitioners, I felt touched. I felt touched because this song has a profound meaning. This song, "Coming for you" has a story that directly talks about us practitioners. It describes that we have past through many reincarnations during thousands of years and eventually come here today, just for saving all the sentient beings. So, I knew that I should try my best in singing this song.

Though it is very difficult for a Western person to sing Chinese songs, I know that at the time of validating Dafa or doing Dafa work, we should all keep our righteous thoughts firmly no matter we are accomplishing a difficult or simple Dafa job. Otherwise, karma, the postnatal notions, and other evil factors would set us up to have human attachments whenever the righteous thoughts are infirm. They could also make us think that we have not done our job well enough so that we will deviate from the Fa or even suffer direct persecution. Anyhow, as preparing for this song I faced many unbelievable hard difficulties, but I knew Dafa and any Dafa work is sacred, as well as the steps of our cultivation is serious. Even a simple work like distributing the introduction flyers for Dafa has its special meaning in other dimensions, so we should understand these jobs according to the Fa.

Anyway, back to the time for the concert in Hong Kong. When I walked out on the stage and just before the piano began to play the music of "Coming For You," I looked out over the many precious Chinese people, and truly realized why we come here at this moment in history. During the time of singing the song I felt tranquil and a little bit nervous at the same time but there were no problems in singing out the Chinese lyrics. I come in contact with a special feeling and it seemed as if I was having a dialogue with the Chinese audience down the stage. I could feel my compassionate heart present, and how this melted both their and my heart.

In the midst of singing, something above the audience suddenly become visible to my eyes. At the beginning I couldn't see clearly what it was. But, subsequently it became larger and larger as well as clearer and clearer. What I saw was Teacher's Fashen [Law body]. He levitated above the audience. Later on, some Faluns and lights appeared among the audience and the energy felt stronger.

Then, all of a sudden, a golden beam shone out in the middle of the air. From within this golden light many high level beings flew out, all sitting in lotus position. I believe they looked upon me. This enhanced my righteous thoughts, I felt more confident, and could sing the song even better. In the end of the song other practitioners joined me on the stage and we finished singing together. This was really a wonderful moment in my cultivation.

However, as I was preparing for this speech, I had some support from a few other practitioners. Among those, there is one practitioner who not too long ago began her cultivation. She helped me a lot in looking inside to find my true feelings about this song. With her deep understanding of the Fa, she shared with me her understanding of this song. She also showed it by singing herself. During this sharing experience, some extraordinary things happened.

As she began to sing "Coming for You," I suddenly realized a new level of depth of Teacher's latest articles:

"When another God proposes an idea, they aren't eager to reject it, and they aren't eager to express their own ideas and they don't believe that their own ideas are good. Instead, they look at what the end result of the other God's proposed approach will be." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

Then I closed my eyes, emptied my mind, and let go of my "self." I completely listened to what she sang. I tried to understand her interpretation of this song, and then seconds after another dimension appeared in front of me. It was very clear. At this very moment, I saw something fantastic and very precious. I could see how a new world began to take form in the other dimension. It seemed like the more I could let go of my own original thoughts, opinions and, instead concentrate on the real meaning of the lyric, as well as what the other practitioner tried to say the more beautiful the new world became.

Further more, whenever the tone of the song changed, there was always a new thing being formed within that other world. As Teacher said, "But true improvements come from letting go, not from gaining." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.")

As Dafa practitioners, in order to help and support each other, all of us, including myself, must do better in letting go of our "selves," emptying our minds of human notions.