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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/25/2003

January 28, 2003 |  


News and Activities Around the World

The Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association recently wrote to the Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar, appealing to the officials at the embassy to accept the truth. Hong Kong practitioners also urged the government of Myanmar to immediately release Mr. Chan Wing Yuen. The letter stated that the persecution of Falun Gong not only severely hurts Falun Gong practitioners, but also severely impedes China's development and legal structure. The chief architects of the persecution of Falun Gong in Mainland China are being sued overseas one after another, including Jiang and Li Lanqing. Hong Kong practitioners expressed their wish that the ambassador would follow the righteous path and step forward to bring benefit to their country, their people and himself in dealing with the issue of Falun Gong!

Falun Gong practitioners in Canada started a series of activities to rescue Mr. Chan Wing Yuen, a Falun Gong practitioner from Hong Kong. On January 20 Canadian Falun Buddha Dafa Association wrote to the ambassador of Myanmar to Canada and also to the foreign Minster of Myanmar, appealing to the government of Myanmar to immediately release Mr. Chan Wing Yuen. They also started making appointments with the ambassador to relay the message face to face. Falun Gong practitioners in Canada sent information to many major government organizations and some non-governmental organizations in Myanmar to help them learn the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong by the vicious and criminal Jiang-Luo group, and to tell them about the spread of the persecution overseas.

Truth of the Persecution

I am a handicapped woman over 50 years old. At midnight of September 26, 2002, the police illegally forced their way into my home and kidnapped me. I was sent to a detention center, where I was brutally beaten by the police during repeated interrogations. While I was detained at the detention center, the police locked me to three other practitioners with three pairs of handcuff and fetters weighing dozens of pounds. We did not have a quilt and the four of us shared a thin mattress for over ten days while the temperature was 2 -- 3 centigrade (35-40 degrees Fahrenheit.).

News from China

To the family members of Falun Gong practitioners as Spring Festival approaches: We hope you have a happy Spring Festival. Due to the persecution by those heartless criminals, you are forced to withstand tremendous amounts of pressure spiritually, physically and economically. But all these are the results of the illegal persecution by the evil regime of Jiang. Be clear about the difference between good and evil! Please stand firmly in righteousness and walk with us through this special period in history. We all will have a bright future!

A letter of kind advice to the criminal officials and police in China: In the past ten years Falun Dafa, with its profoundness, broadness and its detailed exposition of the truth of the universe, has let people of over 60 countries see the greatness of truth. It not only makes people healthy and pure and improves morality, but also brings true harmony and happiness to human beings. Yet you persecute and torture people with brutal means. Whoever goes against the heavenly principle cannot avoid punishment from the truth! Stop helping the evil do evil; leave some route of retreat for yourselves!