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National Review: Impromptus -- NR managing editor's comments regarding Mayor Ma Ying-jeou's speech

January 03, 2003 |   By Jay Nordlinger, NR managing editor



I have a new hero: That's Ma Ying-jeou, mayor of Taipei. In a speech earlier this week, he stuck it to the Red Chinese and stood up for liberty and tolerance.

Addressing a gathering of Falun Gong followers, he said, "Freedom of religion and freedom of belief are common values of a free society. Taiwan is a place where freedom of assembly and freedom of religion are respected. People are pained to see the mainland's persecution and killing of students of Falun Gong."

He continued, "I'm not worried about offending any government or regime. I attend June 4 memorial services [marking the Tiananmen Square massacre] every year and openly declare that before the rehabilitation of [Tiananmen demonstrators] reunification cannot be discussed."

And then, "The importance of human rights should exceed national borders and both sides of the [Taiwan] Strait."

Wow. He's practically into Wilson territory now -- in fact, he is. And hats off to him.

Look, you may think that the Falun Gongers are [...]: but they have been beaten, tortured, jailed, murdered, and persecuted in every other way imaginable, and they are resilient and daring and brave. All decent people should leap to their defense and protect them in any way they can. I made these points in a speech two years ago. To echo Niemoeller, today it might be Falun Gong; and then underground Catholics; and then Protestant "house" churches; and then [...]?

Anyway, I like this Mayor Ma -- who, for what he said, [...].
