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Dafa Practitioner Li Guiqin from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, Nobly Upholds Justice in Court

January 30, 2003 |  

January 25, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioner Li Guiqin from Baiquan Town, Dongliao County, Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, was kidnapped from her home on March 15, 2002 by the police from Dongliao County, and was then illegally detained.

She resisted the illegal detention and persecution by the evils. In May 2002, Dongliao County court carried out an illegal trial against seven practitioners including Li Guiqin. Without any legal procedure, informing the family members of the practitioners, or allowing any lawyer to defend the practitioners, the court carried out a secret, illegal trial. Dafa practitioner Li Guiqin defended herself with the force of justice in the court, "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. Being a good person does not constitute guilt, and following 'Truthfulness, Benevolence, Tolerance' is not a crime. Your persecution of Dafa practitioners is a criminal act. Persecution of Dafa and Dafa practitioners is illegal. We did not violate the law."

The court carried out the sentence, ignoring the practitioners' defense. Li Guiqin refused to sign the court verdict and tore up the verdict in the court. She shouted many times, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa! Restore Master's innocent reputation! Restore Dafa's good name! It is not wrong to be a good person!" This held up the trial proceedings. The judge had to give permission for Li Guiqin to write a petition right in the court. Dafa practitioner's righteous thoughts and actions frightened the evil; even the court policemen secretly admired the practitioners.

Dafa practitioner Li Guiqin was illegally sentenced to 4 years imprisonment, and is now illegally detained in Jilin Province Women's Prison.