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Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa in Bad Kreuznach, Germany

October 11, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Autumn in Germany is usually overcast and gloomy. On September the 20th, practitioners held an Information Day in Bad Kreuznach, and the day was mostly warm and sunny. Bad Kreuznach is located in the middle of western Germany, and is famous for its hospital.

On this day, quite a few practitioners from nearby cities arrived at Bad Kreuznach. Although they did not know each other, they quickly started work on preparing a display. Some of them set up an information stand and covered it with a yellow cloth and then others arranged Dafa books and materials on the stand with care. Apart from these, there were display boards, banners, and leaflets. All of this made one corner of the busy street bright and lively, simple yet sacred. Accompanied by the pleasant and graceful Dafa music of "Pudu" and "Jishi," practitioners began their Falun Dafa Information Day activities.

Many people stopped to watch the exercise demonstration, listen to the music, look at the display boards and take materials to find out more. Some of them signed a petition calling for the release of Xiong Wei, a practitioner from Germany who has been illegally detained in China, and others asked questions about Falun Gong. One middle-aged lady opened her purse and took out money saying, "I would like to donate some money." One of the practitioners said, "Thank you, but we do not accept donations. You can sign your name here to call for the release of a detained Dafa practitioner." The lady replied enthusiastically "All right! I will sign my name here".

After the day came to an end, practitioners cleared away all of the materials. It is hard to imagine that so many strangers could work together without argument, disagreement or without any unpleasant happenings. From beginning to end, the atmosphere was friendly and harmonious.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15560.html