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Michigan: Introducing Falun Dafa and Clarifying the Facts at a Mind Body Spirit Expo (Photo)

October 14, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, October 13, 2003) Falun Dafa practitioners in Michigan participated in the 37th Mind Body Spirit Expo in the Greater Detroit Area in early October. At the expo, they introduced Falun Gong to the public, told people about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and that American citizen Charles Li was still being detained in a Chinese jail.

When we set up our exhibition booth, we found that many things were not exactly as we had planned. But we learned from each other, helped and encouraged each other and made up for the deficiencies. As a result, all problems were solved with our harmonious and patient efforts. Our friends at other booths also came to help us. Our booth was filled with a kind and peaceful atmosphere.

A lady who visited our booth on Saturday called a practitioner on Sunday morning to ask about the group exercise location. She said she had been fascinated with the peacefulness and tranquility at our booth and had downloaded Zhuan Falun from the Internet.

After talking with our practitioners, a gentleman left us the contact information of his friend. He said his friend worked with a local court and was looking for an honest interpreter.

A middle-aged Caucasian woman came to greet us. Before we said anything, she said, "I know about Falun Gong. The persecution by the Chinese government is very wrong and groundless. What you have done is right. I hope the persecution will end soon."

A young man asked us many questions about Falun Gong. He showed great interest and kept nodding when he heard that the five exercises are easy to learn and that all practitioners feel physically and spiritually healthy. Learning that there are several exercise-teaching locations in Michigan every week, he couldn't help asking his burning question, "How much does it cost?" The practitioner said, "It is free." "Free?" The young man could not believe his ears. Indeed, nothing except Falun Gong was free of charge among the hundreds of booths at the expo.

A man was attracted to Master Li's exercise-instruction video and the posters showing children doing exercises. He stopped to ask us many questions about Falun Gong. He said, "The persecution by the Chinese government is obviously wrong, because 100 million people in China practice this exercise, and people in more than sixty countries are practicing Falun Gong all over the world."

A lady told us that she had read a report about Falun Gong a long time ago, but the report quoted the lies of Jiang's regime, so she thought Falun Gong was not good, therefore she did not learn more about it. She was a little surprised to see our booth and came to find out more. After talking to us, she realized that she had been misled. At last, she said she would read Falun Gong books to learn more about it.