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Dafa Practitioner Mr. Lin Xiaokai From Taiwan Abducted by Shanghai National Security Bureau

October 23, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) October 20, 2003 report: Dafa practitioner Mr. Lin Xiaokai, 29 years old, lived in Zhanghua, Taiwan. He went to Shanghai on September 30, 2003 to visit his friends and had planned to return to Taiwan on October 8. Prior to October 7, he conversed with his wife Chen Shuya daily on the telephone, but the connection was lost after he talked to Chen Shuya on October 7.

It was learned that Lin Xiaokai is being detained at Shanghai National Security Bureau and his current circumstances are unknown. During the afternoon of October 19, 2003, his wife Chen Shuya called Shanghai National Security Bureau and asked to talk to Lin Xiaokai, but the officer on duty didn't give her a positive response.

Taiwan Dafa practitioners will hold a press conference to expose the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

We hope practitioners who read this news will send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil influence of the old forces in other dimensions and to form a powerful field of righteous thoughts.