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Latest News from China - 09/26/2003

October 05, 2003 |  

1. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Chen Ruichang, Former Deputy Director of the Chief Editing Office of the Guangdong TV Station Is Illegally Detained at the Sanshui Brainwashing Session

Dafa practitioner Mr. Chen Ruichang was released after being detained for two years in January 15, 2003 due to international rescue efforts. Later, on June 15, 2003, both he and his wife Liang Zihui (both Dafa practitioners) were again illegally arrested, and Chen is now being detained at the Sanshui Brainwashing Center, Guangdong Province. According to insiders, Chen is brutally tortured and is face is swollen badly. Usually the evil forces have reservations about treating Dafa practitioners with overseas relations badly. But since Chen is being treated in such a way, you can imagine the situation of other Dafa practitioners.

I once read on the internet that the Huangpu Brainwashing Center has closed down, but actually this wicked brainwashing session is still going on. Since its crimes have been exposed on the Clearwisdom website, the Guangzhou City "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] is investigating who sent the information out and intended to arrest more Dafa practitioners.

2. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner He Yuanbing Becomes Mentally Confused after Being Tortured at the Mianyang Xinhua Forced Labor Camp

On August 2001, Mr. He Yuanbing was arrested illegally from his home by police officer Xiao Xiaoqian of the Rixin Police Station, Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu City. He was then sentenced to the Mianyang Xinhua Forced Labor Camp. Currently he has been released to his house, but because of what he experienced in the labor camp, he can not even recognize his wife, son and 80 year old father.

3. [Hanchuan County, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Huang Huaxiong Is Illegally Arrested and Detained at the Hanchuan Detention Center

In 2000, Mr. Huang Huaxiong went to Beijing to appeal. Since then, he has been monitored for the past few years. Around three or four days ago, he was arrested by police officers who broke into his house while he was sleeping and was sent to the Hanchuan Detention Center. His Dafa truth flyers and books were confiscated.

4. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Facts of Persecution of Dafa Practitioners

Ms. Zou Yuqin is an employee of the Third Hospital of Handan City. She was detained right before the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Since she did not give up her practice of Falun Gong, she was illegally detained for over ten months. On September 22, 2003, she was transferred directly from the detention center to a brainwashing session by police officers. This brainwashing session is located at Fushan, Yongnian County.

Mr. Li Ganglin has been detained many times. In September 2002, he was illegally arrested by police officers from the Shenli Bridge Police Station, Fuxin Public Security Bureau Branch. Since he has high blood pressure, the forced labor camp refused to accept him on two occasions. The third time, the Shenli Bridge Police Station sent him directly to the Handan Forced Labor Camp. He has been detained for over a year now.

The Handan City "610" officer just got a new leader. Her name is Cao Zhixia. She used to be a head at the She County. In seeking for a promotion, she took the initiative to work at the "610 Office." After she took the post, she instantly organized a brainwashing session. Her intention is to gain political benefit through persecuting Dafa practitioners.

5. Making Use of All Opportunities to Clarifying the Truth of Dafa

There is a lady Dafa practitioner who was sent to a brainwashing session by the city "610 Office." She refused to give up and has never changed her firm belief in Dafa. Later on she left the brainwashing session by herself. After studying the new lectures of Teacher, she understood that time is urgent. She has made use of all opportunities to clarify the truth of Dafa to the people. She goes directly to the officers in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in police stations and the public security bureaus to clarify the truth, and tell them of the principle of "good be rewarded with good, and evil with evils." Her righteous thoughts and energy suppressed the evil. With her influence, some officers changed their attitude to Dafa, and the more wicked ones were unable to deal with her. With the empowerment of Teacher, she went back to her home safely in all cases.

6. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Police Officers Persecute Dafa Practitioners with the Pretext of Checking the Identity of Tenants

In recent days, the Yingkou Area started checking the rented rooms. The tenants in each building are reported by the building manger, and then the police officers go to check the I.D. of the tenants. It's said that if a door is not open after being knocked on many times, police would then break in.

7. [Longgang District, Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Police Officers Illegally Search and Arrest Dafa Practitioners

At around 11a.m. on September 3, 2003, together with Manager Liu of the Zinc Factory, police officer Ma Qingbo from the Longgang District led a group of policemen and, driving two police vehicles and a car, went to the Jinchangbu, Nuerhe Township, Taihe District, Jinzhou City with the intention to arrest Dafa practitioner Ms. Cai Jinxue (41 years old). Cai's relative told them that Cai has been out of town for over a year. They then had to leave after cruising around for a while.

Manager Liu's phone: 86-429-2026235 86-13130950610 (mobile)

8. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at the Liaoning Normal University

In 2001 at one time, six undergraduates who are determined Dafa practitioners were expelled from the university.

Address of the Liaonin Normal University:
850 Huanghe Road, Dalian City, Liaoning 116029
Fax: 86-411-4214450
Tel: 86-411-4258235; 86-411-4212804

Communist part Secretary of the University: Yu Zhenyuan.
Deputy Communist Party Secretary: Dong Wenjiang
President: Qu Qinbiao

9. Collaborators Who Sell out Dafa Practitioners Are Despised by Police Officers

In communicating with some police officers, they said they do not want to seek after Falun Gong practitioners anymore. But some "collaborators" [former Falun Dafa practitioners who have given up their practice under severe pressure and torture and now assist the authorities in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners] revealed the identity of some Falun Gong practitioners who are not known to police. Police are unhappy with this kind of information because once they know the identity of practitioners, under pressure from upper levels, they have to go after Falun Gong practitioners against their will. The police officers mentality is: If they do not know which practitioners still practice now, and those practitioners are behaving very well, then there is no good reason to arrest them.

We can see that the Jiang Zemin's regime's persecution of Falun Gong is unpopular.