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Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Detmold (Photos)

October 06, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, October 5, 2003) Saturday the 27th of September was a sunny day in the German city of Detmold. Falun Dafa practitioners set up an exhibition booth on a bridge near the city centre to introduce Falun Dafa and let people know the facts about the persecution. Many passers-by stopped to look at the display boards and the exercise demonstration.

After learning about the truth of the persecution and the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin that have been filed around the world, people praised practitioners for their quest for justice and wished them success.

A group of boys wanted to learn the exercises immediately after seeing the exercise demonstration. After learning the first set of the exercises, they said that they felt completely relaxed. They stayed until they had learned all five sets of exercises.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15501.html