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10 Yuan From a Practitioner in the Countryside

November 12, 2003 |  


A practitioner from a rural area gave me 10 Yuan to make Dafa materials. I was moved to speechlessness by her act.

This practitioner's husband is paralyzed and has to lie in bed all day long. In order to find money to cure his illness, their 10-year-old child, an A student, had to quit school and go out to work, and she had to sell the ox that she used to plow the crops.

She has no income and her family is living a very poor life. Under such conditions, this practitioner still remains firm in Dafa cultivation. She keeps clarifying the truth, distributing flyers, studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts.

10 Yuan is not a lot of money, but it reflects the pure heart this practitioner has towards Dafa.
