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Summary of Other Articles and News - 11/12/2003

November 19, 2003 |  


Facts of the persecution

Officials from the Zhuhai City "610 Office"* set up a secret prison inside the Minfu Hotel to torture Dafa practitioners. They physically mistreated the abducted practitioners and forced them to view Dafa-slandering videos for a long time. They also made countless Dafa-slandering statements to the practitioners in an attempt to brainwash them. Some practitioners were detained in solitary confinement for a long time without any food or water. Other practitioners held a hunger strike and were force-fed through a rubber tube, and as the result they passed out from pain. Some practitioners were beaten because they refused to give up Dafa practice.

In July and August 2003, lawless government officials in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province held a brainwashing class at the Haining Club in Wenzhou City where they spent 200,000 Yuan** in an attempt to brainwash eight abducted Dafa practitioners. These eight practitioners remained steadfast and persisted in Dafa practice.

Righteous thoughts and righteous actions

A story of shouting "Dafa is good" along the way and breaking out of the detention center in eight days: A Dafa practitioner from Henan Province who is in his 50's was illegally detained for two years at the Shibalihe Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. After he returned, enforcers from the local "610 Office," and persons from the security department and the police department intensively monitored him. One day in September 2003 a police officer went to this practitioner's home to harass him. The practitioner used this opportunity to clarify the truth to the officer; but the police officer called the County Security Department. A group of perpetrators went to the practitioner's home and kicked him to the ground. The practitioner shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" The perpetrators brutally beat him. The practitioner was forcibly carried to a car and the perpetrators drove him to the police department. The practitioner continuously shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" along the way. One officer said, "Stop saying that, I'm not feeling well because you keep saying it." At the police department the practitioner still shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." They carried him into a detention center, where he still shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." He also began a hunger strike. Eight days later he walked out of the detention center in an open and dignified manner.

The truth and people's hearts

1. A story from Mainland China: one day at noon, an old man selling eggs came up to me. I asked him to sit in my chair and told him the truth about Falun Gong. I also gave him a truth clarification VCD. A middle-aged man said, "I heard everything you said to him. I want the good stuff you gave him." Several days later, the old man saw me and said, "I'm the head of a village. After I went back, I went to a person's home and organized many people to watch the VCD. This time a fellow villager asked me to get Dafa materials from you, and in exchange he'll work my field."

2. Prior to the Sixteenth Party Congress police in northeast China arrested an elderly practitioner. The perpetrators from the "610 office" said to the practitioner's son, "You are the head of a government bureau, yet your mother is practicing Falun Gong. You must reform your mother!" The practitioner's son said, "In the past, my mother suffered from numerous illnesses and often went to the hospital and took medications. In addition, we had to hire a nurse to take care of her. Since practicing Falun Gong, she no longer needs to take medications or go to hospitals, and she can even take care of her grandson. If I love my mother, I must support her practicing Falun Gong." The police officers were speechless.

3. A mute person can talk after practicing Dafa: I am 22 years old and began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. Before I practiced Dafa I was mute, had pneumonia and polio, and suffered from convulsions. Soon after I began practicing Dafa, Master eliminated my karma. Fluid came out of my ears and my head and legs ached. Soon afterwards, I was free of all illnesses and I could talk! I also learned to ride a bike and fix shoes. On the evening of October 10, 1999 we were holding a Fa conference when the police broke in and took us to the police department. We all said we would continue to practice, and the police threatened to send us to a labor camp. I held a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. On the third day, the head of the detention center came to me and asked, "How could a child like you be arrested? Your local police have problems." I was released. After I returned home I continued to study the Fa, do the Dafa exercises, promote the Fa, and do well in the three things Master requires of us [study the Fa, clarify the truth, and send righteous thoughts].

News from China

After practitioners in Daqing City did outdoor group exercises for three days on June 25, 2000, Dafa practitioners in Harbin City also held a group exercise in front of the Flood Prevention Monument in Harbin City. The police arrested many practitioners. During this incident, practitioner Ms. Wu Yulan was arrested. The police regarded her as an organizer. As a result she was sentenced to one year of forced labor. Her daughter Guo Hongyu and her husband sat in front of the Nangang Police Department for three days to protest the illegal arrest. Then Guo Hongyu was sentenced to one year of forced labor.

* The "610 Office" is a n agency specifically established to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

** Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.