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Ireland: Vigil in Front of the Chinese Embassy on International Human Rights Day (Photos)

December 17, 2003 |  

The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day and on this day, Dafa practitioners in Dublin, Ireland, held a candlelight vigil until midnight in front of the Chinese Embassy.

Since practitioners have been there many times before to hold peaceful appeals, many of the resident in the area are sympathetic towards Falun Gong. On the day, some gave practitioners signs of encouragement like a victory salute or the thumbs-up.

The persecution of Falun Gong in China has been ongoing for more than four years. Most people in the city of Dublin are familiar with this evil repression that has been triggered by the Jiang regime, and have supported practitioners with many acts of kindness. Many have also chosen to walk the path of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance by beginning to practise Falun Dafa.