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Peru: Falun Dafa Practitioners Interviewed on Popular TV Program (Photo)

December 22, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of November 18, 2003, the Peru TV station Frecuncia Latina broadcasted an interview with local Falun Gong practitioners in a program hosted by Cesar Hildebrandt, a famous host who is influential in Peru broadcasting circles. His evening program is one of the most popular shows in Peru. Besides Peruvians from all walks of life, his audience also includes people from other countries in South America, North America and even countries in Asia such as Japan.


As TV and radio stations have broadcasted many programs about Falun Gong, more and more people have come to learn Falun Gong

During the interview with practitioners, the reporter and his production team were deeply touched by the peaceful attitude of practitioners. They asked us many times: "What enables you to be so clam and rational under such unbearably unfair treatment." They also expressed an interest in reading Zhuan Falun in the future.

When talking about their original intention of appearing on this TV program, local practitioners said that it was to let more people to know about Falun Gong and to expose the Jiang regime's lies against Falun Gong. Jiang Zemin not only persecutes Falun Gong in China, he has also exported the persecution to many foreign countries, and even Peru has been affected. For example, the Chinese Embassy in Peru cancelled the passport of a local Chinese practitioner because the practitioner continues to practice Falun Gong. The Jiang regime's human rights violations should be exposed to more people.