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Australia: Participating in the Chinese New Year Parade in Surfers Paradise

February 15, 2003 |   By practitioners from Australia

(Clearwisdom.net) A Western Falun Gong practitioner who works for a duty free shop in Surfers Paradise (a tourist town on Queensland's famed Gold Coast) saw a notice about a traditional Chinese New Year parade on his way to work. He realized that this would be a good opportunity to display the beauty of Falun Dafa to the public. The parade was to be held on the following Saturday, February 8, which left very little time to apply or prepare. The next day, after making many phone calls, the practitioner finally connected with the event's official organizer.

It turns out that the organizer knew quite a lot about Falun Gong. He supported us and immediately agreed to our participating in the event. All the other groups taking part in the parade were coming down from Brisbane. We were the only local Gold Coast group allowed to participate. The organizer also brought forward some detailed requirements for our performance and costumes. He said that we could have four ladies dressed in Tang Dynasty costumes, four dancers, four men in traditional yellow Chinese suits and eight practitioners in black pants with yellow tops. We could also have any two banners we chose and he wanted us to carry three silk flags, marking the end of the parade. The parade was sponsored by the Gold Coast City Council and the Surfers Paradise Management Association. Falun Gong participation in the parade demonstrates local government and public support for Falun Gong to the many Chinese people in attendance.

As the time was so short, a few practitioners took the initiative to prepare. Practitioners who had never participated in dance performances volunteered to be dancers. We met early on the Saturday afternoon for our final preparations for the parade, as the parade was set to begin at 4:00 pm. However, due to a miscommunication, practitioners did not bring the Tang Dynasty costumes. Fortunately, we reached two practitioners who hadn't left Brisbane (where the costumes were) and asked them to bring them, but it meant they wouldn't arrive until nearly 4:00pm.

Realizing this was interference, we immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to deny the arrangement. We continued our preparations with calm minds. At 3:30 when the assembly began, the men who would carry the banners arrived at the designated location and notified the organizer that others would be slightly late. As it approached 4:00pm, we had to take our position in the procession. Just at this moment, our Tang Dynasty costumes arrived. The practitioners participating in the performance quickly changed their clothes and joined in the parade.

Our procession was outstanding. Two men carrying a large Falun Dafa banner led. Dancers dressed in colorful costumes followed and performed beautiful dances. Then came a large white banner reading, "The World Needs Truth Compassion Tolerance" with the eight practitioners in black and yellow bringing up the rear. The four women in the Tang Dynasty costumes were finally able to join us. Our group really stood out. The drums and noise from other groups were deafening, while we were completely peaceful and serene. Hundreds of people lined the streets. Everyone waved and commented as we passed by and many people took photos and videos of us with our colorful banners and outfits.

After the parade, the organizers thanked us and said how great we looked. Several people came to have photos taken with the ladies in the Tang Dynasty and dance costumes. It was a marvelous opportunity to help more people come to a positive understanding about Falun Gong. People could see that Falun Gong has become an integral part of their community.