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Violence Intensifies: Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioners at Suihua Labor Camp, Heilongjiang Province

February 17, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the Chinese ruling Party's Sixteenth Congress in November 2002, authorities in the Suihua Labor Camp have intensified the persecution against Dafa practitioners. Labor camp police have singled out at least 12 practitioners for exceptionally cruel treatment, using both physical and mental abuse to harm them.

On September 18, 2002, because Dafa practitioner Pan Xingkun resisted the persecution, police locked him up in solitary confinement and tortured him on the "Tiger Bench" (a special torture). Deputy division chief Fan Xiaodong and police team leader Hao Liangui ordered inmate Zeng Lingjun to savagely beat Pan Xingkun in the cell. Labor camp director Ji Feng asked a guard to turn a radio to its highest volume to make sure that Pan Xingkun couldn't sleep. Pan's meals were only half as much as a regular ration. There was only grain and no vegetables and meat. They locked him up for three days. Shortly afterwards, the police forced Dafa practitioners to watch the "Focal Point Interview," a TV show that slandered Dafa. Pan Xingkun refused to watch. To punish him, policemen Fan Xiaodong, Jia Yupeng and Jin Qingfu beat him badly.

On October 10, 2002, when facing brainwashing, Dafa practitioner Lin Yusen voiced his objection. Policemen Gao Zhonghai and Fan Xiaodong beat him for 30 minutes. They also extended his term by a month. The policemen claimed, "We will extend your term again when your term is over if you still refuse to 'reform.'" They also sent two collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] Li Wenzhang and Li Changjiang to "help reform" Lin Yusen. When Lin Yusen disagreed with the collaborators, policemen Liu Zhongwei jumped in and started hitting and kicking him.

On December 5, 2002, during a brainwashing session in the No. 8 Sub-camp of the Suihua Labor Camp, policemen Liu Zhongwei and Yuan Jihui instigated two thugs, Liu Xikui and Cheng Li, to torture practitioners Li Shuwen and Lin Yusen, because Li Shuwen and Lin Yusen refused to write "three statements" (to denounce Dafa). The evil force used all kinds of torturing methods, such as "Iron club" and "Hitting the forehead" to torture the practitioners. Li Shuwen and Lin Yusen were hurt so severely that they could not stand straight, nor could they squat. At night when they slept, they could not even turn over. Thug Liu Xikui even poked Lin Yusen's head with a sharpened chopstick to prevent Lin from sleeping. Another time, the camp police encouraged thug Guo Zhenghua and a dozen other criminals to force Lin Yusen to the restroom. There, they tried to force him to curse Teacher. He refused and was assaulted even more severely by over a dozen thugs.

On November 25, 2002, the Suihua Labor Camp intensified the persecution against Dafa practitioners. They stepped up their effort to intensively brainwash the determined practitioners. The practitioners were led to an out of the way bathhouse. The policemen started to torture Dafa practitioners there. One after another, practitioners were singled out and beaten by five to nine thugs. More than 20 practitioners suffered from the torture. The thugs shocked Liu Zhikun with electrical batons so brutally that his whole body was covered with blisters. His chest, and arms were badly burned. Even a month later, his wounds were not completely healed. The police used a similar technique to beat Pan Xingkun for three to four hours. His whole body was full of cuts and bruises. His feet were badly burned by electrical shocks. Practitioner Li Lihua was hit so severely that she lost control of her bowels and bladder. Li Shufang's face turned blue and purple after the torture. His face was swollen beyond recognition. Practitioner Zhang Lijun was beaten for an entire evening. He lost control of his bowels and bladder. Later, he was locked up in a solitary cell and tortured on the "Tiger Bench." Another practitioner was tortured so violently that he had a heart attack and was sent to a hospital to receive emergency treatment for a week.

The following policemen participated in the persecution: chiefs Yang Bo, Gao Zhonghai and Fan Xiaodong; policemen Chen Xinlong, Jin Qingfu, Liu Wei, Li Jian and Liu Zhongwei.

The Suihua Labor Camp refuses to release Dafa practitioners who have served their full terms. It also employed collaborators to brainwash practitioners. All practitioners in the labor camp are suffering from unbearable mental torture.

Jan. 24, 2003