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The Intense Violence Against Dafa Practitioners in Zhalante Qi's Tumuji Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia

February 24, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am currently detained at Zhalante Qi's Tumuji Labor Camp, where 150 female Dafa practitioners are detained and monitored around the clock. The guards instruct criminal inmates and collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] to monitor us, forbidding us to talk. The guards instigate criminals to beat and scold the practitioners, and reward the criminals who abuse the firm practitioners with reductions of their sentences and other benefits. Dafa practitioners do not have any rights, and are inhumanly tortured and verbally abused at anytime if we do not cooperate. During the period I have been illegally detained here, seven Dafa practitioners have been physically abused to the state of paralysis. Every month we are required to write a statement reporting our thoughts. Our bodies and cells were often searched for Master's articles, and our bedding was often torn into pieces during such searches. If any of Master's articles were found on a Dafa practitioner, her clothes would be burned as punishment.

Beginning May 2002, the labor camp attempted to forcibly brainwash us. Anyone who refused to renounce their faith would not be allowed to sleep. One Dafa practitioner in the male division was not allowed to sleep for 17 days continuously. He was then transferred to the female division and was not allowed to sleep for another two days. In total, he did not sleep for 19 days. The evil began to torture me in June. I didn't yield. Female team leader Luo Jinfen and deputy leader Na Yinhua took me to the team leader's office. I clarified the truth about Dafa to them. They hit my face fiercely and my nose started bleeding immediately. They took of their shoes to hit my back. While hitting me fiercely with all her strength, Luo said, "Today I will beat you until you give in." She kept beating me until she was too exhausted to beat any more.

Several days later, on the evening of June 10, they took me to the team leader's office again. This time they tried to be nice at first, but I stood firm. They pulled my hair fiercely to force me to write a guarantee letter. I was determined not to. They cruelly pinched my neck, arms, and thighs. Bruises were all over my arms and legs but I still didn't renounce my belief and started a hunger strike to protest the abuse. Luo started to whip me with a wide leather belt soaked in boiled water. She didn't stopped beating until I collapsed onto the floor. I was locked in the office for 10 days, sleeping on the cement floor in the evening and forced to stand throughout the days. Ten days later, I was sent to the "strictly monitored team" where three collaborators harassed me. I still didn't give up Dafa. Luo was very upset. She took me back to her office and cuffed my arms to the heater ducts, with my feet off the ground. The pain I suffered was indescribable.

Once the higher authorities came to inspect the labor camp when we were forced to do slave labor. Practitioner Fu of Team No.2 shouted, "Officials, I appeal to you that we Falun Dafa practitioners are all kind people. We are being persecuted illegally and you must release us unconditionally." When the inspectors were gone, team leaders Luo and Na took Ms. Fu away and cuffed her. They shocked the handcuffs with electric batons; this was an extremely inhuman torture since the handcuffs conducted electricity to Fu's whole body. By the time Fu returned to the cell, her whole body was swollen. She could not sit down or lay down for a long time. To protest the brutal torture against Fu, everyone in our cell went on a hunger strike for five days. The team leaders shocked us, one by one.

During our hunger strike, the team leader came to Dafa practitioner Zhao and ordered her to write a guarantee letter. She refused. The team leader then wrote a statement on her behalf and ordered her to sign. She signed. Afterwards, she was very regretful. She requested to be allowed to claim that letter was invalid. Team leader Luo took her to the office and instructed two male guards to torture her. They cuffed her palms instead of hands and beat her while standing on her body. The handcuffs carved deeply into the backs of her hands and tore up the flesh. Her legs were swollen so severely due to the beating that she had difficulty getting into bed. They also shocked her face and neck with two electrical batons at the same time, causing black blisters and purulence all over her face and neck. Zhao went on hunger strike, the team leader Luo instructed two collaborators to open her mouth with an iron rod, thus injuring her mouth and cheek. When Zhao came back to do the forced labor, the team leader made her wear a scarf all the time to prevent others from seeing the wounds from their inhuman tortures. It was a very cold day, but Zhao purposely took off her scarf and let us see her wounds to expose the evil, which made the team leader very mad. Once the team leader asked Zhao to write a statement reporting her thoughts, Zhao wrote Master's new article "Foretelling the Fa's Rectification of the Human World." As a result, the team leader took her to the office and slapped her on the face several times, and made her do "body-folding" for a long time in the evening after the hard slave labor during the day. [Note: "body-folding" is a torture method that refers to standing with two legs straight and close, and bending the head down as far as it will go toward the feet, in front of the knees. The fingers point to the ground, the head is upside down, making the body form a 90-degree angle.]

We had no rights at all when we first got in the labor camp. We went on strike to protest and the guards dragged us out of the cells, one by one. Practitioner Ji from Chifeng City tried to clarify the truth about Dafa to the guards. The guards not only refused to listen to her, but also called her the lead troublemaker. The guards pulled Ji to the division office and brutally beat and shocked her with electric batons, causing her face to become swollen and giving her wounds all over her body. They didn't stop until Ji collapsed onto the floor. Since the torture Ji has lost the capability to take care of herself. By the time of her release, she was still lying in bed.

Practitioner Ma from Hohhot City in Team No. 1 was dragged to a place away from others and brutally beaten by vicious team leader Yin, because she refused to copy the labor camp regulations. After the beating, the team leader "tied the ropes" on Ma, starting with one rope and continuing until there were ten ropes. Ma lost consciousness four times. The torture continued for one whole day but she didn't give in at all. Later, the team leader said with admiration, "Falun Gong, the real steel." Practitioner Li Xiaoyan from Fushun City refused to write the guarantee letter. The guards brutally kicked her and broke her leg. Wang Guiying from Liaoning Province was beaten on the face by guards with a wide leather belt soaked in boiling water. Her face was terribly swollen with bruises all over. Practitioner Meng Hulun was shocked with several electric batons simultaneously by team leader Yin and several guards. The shocking lasted for one hour and the whole team could hear Meng's painful screams. The guards from Team No. 1 brutally tortured all firm Dafa practitioners. The guards cuffed practitioners and hung them up until they lost consciousness. As soon as the practitioners woke up, they would hang them up again. They pulled down the window curtains to prevent others from seeing their inhuman deeds. [Note: "tying the ropes" is a torture in which the guards tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the guards use all the force they can muster to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the body of the practitioner, which makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder.]

In order to get the "honor" of being named "civilized labor camp," the guards used faked guarantee letters for obeying camp regulations written by criminals, as if they had been written by Dafa practitioners. They also faked "thought reports" of criminals as practitioners' reports. Every time when higher authorities came to inspect the labor camp, the guards carried severely injured Dafa practitioners away and hid them in cellars or hog pens.

This is what is happening in today's labor camps in China.