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European Friends of Falun Gong Writes to Beijing Law Firms: We Appeal to You to Help Gain the Release of US Citizen Charles Li

Feb. 25, 2003


16th February 2003

Dear Sir,

We are appealing to you to help gain the release of US citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Charles Li, who was arrested at Guangzhou Airport on January 22nd 2003.

Mr. Li has been accused of breaking the law by the Chinese government, but they have given him no chance to defend himself, no right to counsel and have given the world no clear indication of the crime for which he stands accused.

Mr. Li has strenuously denied the charge of damage to the TV equipment and it is our belief that the true reason for his arrest was his practice of Falun Gong.

Any citizen of a foreign country must be allowed protection from his own government in cases where a miscarriage of justice is concerned. It is also clear that the Chinese government is using the example of Charles Li further to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China.

We appeal to you to allow Mr. Li the right to defend himself in a court of law, and to allow the correct judicial procedures to exonerate him from any wrongdoing, and to have him released immediately in the name of human rights.

Yours sincerely,

John Dee (Vice-Chairman)
European Friends of Falun Gong