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Spain: Practitioners Receive Festive Wishes from the President of Spain and Other Government Officials

February 27, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) During the recent Christmas and New Year celebrations, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners received more than 20 greeting cards and letters, from many prominent figures, including the President of Spain, the Chairman of the Madrid State Government, the Mayor of Madrid, the Mayor of Barcelona, the Chairman of the Catalunya State Government, and the Chairman of the Andalucia State Government. Speakers of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the Minister of Domestic Affairs also sent greeting cards. The following are extracts from the cards received.

The President of Spain sends a letter to Falun Gong practitioners wishing them a happy New Year

"Warm greetings for a Happy New Year! Please accept my best wishes for your peace and prosperity in the coming New Year!"

Greeting card from mayor of Valencia

"May peace, hope and love fill our hearts at Christmas and in the coming New Year. We firmly believe that the world will become a more righteous and lovely place. Please accept my best wishes: Merry Christmas."

A Christmas card from Spain's Minister of Domestic Affairs

Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200302/10571.html