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Northwestern University Students Sign Petitions to Help Rescue Charles Li

March 16, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Northwestern is a well-known university with a 150-year history that is located in Chicago.

When news of the unreasonable arrest of Falun Gong practitioner and U.S. citizen Charles Li during his visit to China surfaced, his fellow practitioners launched a "rescue" activity. They also collected signatures on the campus of Northwestern University to expose the Jiang regime's abuse of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights and also to work toward the rescue of Charles Li.

Within two days, scores of people had signed the petition. Some students were very indignant over the arrest. They said the U.S. cares about human rights and cannot allow such a thing to happen. Some students gained a deeper understanding about the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Several students asked lots of questions, and all of them wished us good luck. Some even took our signature petitions with them and said they would let more people learn about this incident.

The signature petition drive continues. As long as Charles Li has not returned, we won't stop telling people the facts and collecting signatures.