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"I Want to Help My Family Member Finish the Things He Started"

March 24, 2003

Written on March 12, 2003


"I Want to Help My Family Member Finish the Things that He Started"

The family member of a Dafa practitioner clearly saw through the vicious, distorted, and ugly face of Jiang's gangster regime during an appeal process for this practitioner, while he was illegally tried in court. Finally this family member helplessly told another Dafa disciple, "Now I realize how they defy the laws of human nature and the principles of heaven! I see the signs clarifying the truth that you post. It is so good! Can I help with it as well? I would like to help my family member finish the things that he started..."

Village Official Says: Our Villagers All Know the Kind Conduct of Your Mother-in-Law"

One Dafa disciple in a village of northern China prepared to hold a Fahui (Fa experience sharing conference), but was reported to authorities by her daughter-in-law. So this practitioner had to leave home and move from place to place to avoid being persecuted and illegally arrested. The village officials and villagers who knew the truth talked to the daughter-in-law, "Our villagers all know the kind conduct of your mother-in-law. She takes care of all the old people and children. She became healthy after practicing Falun Gong, and isn't this good fortune for your family? Now you force your mother-in-law to live a homeless life to avoid arrest. Think about what your family will be like now?" After hearing all this, her daughter-in-law felt very ashamed and she ensured right away that she would find her mother-in-law, and from then on support her practice of Falun Gong.

Awakened Village Party Secretary Protects Dafa Disciples

The Party Secretary of a village had brutally persecuted Dafa disciples many times. Through practitioners' continuously clarifying the truth to him, and the compassionate behavior of Dafa disciples, he changed his attitude toward Dafa from the bottom of his heart. In July 2002, when he knew that the evil people from city "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] planned to arrest Dafa disciples again, he immediately informed the practitioners in his village, telling them to hide right away. Those practitioners who received the information safely escaped from danger and only 3 practitioners who didn't receive the news were taken away by the evil. But a few days later, this secretary went to the "610 Office" brainwashing class to get them back.

"Don't Pay Attention to the Nonsense on TV. No One Believes That."

One day in May of 2002, a Dafa disciple in Longkou City clarified the facts of Falun Dafa to the everyday people around him. One person with a sense of justice said, "Falun Gong teaches people to be good. Don't pay attention to the nonsense heard on TV. No one believes that. Falun Gong practitioners are in front of us. No matter how the government attacks them, they still try to be good people. All of this we can see."