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Athens, Georgia USA: Falun Dafa Practitioners Collect Signatures for the Rescue of Charles Li (Photos)

March 27, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in Atlanta, USA

(Clearwisdom.net) On March 22, 2003, five Falun Gong practitioners came to Athens, a small city in Georgia, to clarify the truth and collect signatures for the rescue of Charles Li and Ms. Zhou Xuefei, Atlanta Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Chaohui's wife.

As it was the weekend, and the weather was fine, there were many passersby in front of the City Hall where we collected signatures. Information about the show trial of American citizen Charles Li and the persecution of a local resident's family member in China, made people feel that the persecution of Falun Gong is very close to them, and is taking place around them. Everybody was shocked upon hearing that the Chinese regime illegally arrested and put American citizen Charles Li on trial because of his spiritual beliefs and his exposing of the evil persecution. Most passersby signed the petition; some said they would make phone calls to request the American government to actively rescue him.

When passersby saw the pure and pretty face of Mr. Lu Chaohui's wife, they all asked about her situation. Mr. Lu said to them, "My wife was sentenced to three years of forced labor without trial and due process. She has been detained for over 28 months in the forced labor camp where she suffers torture and mistreatment, and is forced to make products for export. She has almost lost her eyesight right now." Hearing about this, people all shook their heads and sadly sighed.

We contined to demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises, studying the Fa and sending righteous thoughts; the energy field was pure and harmonious. We collected many signatures within two hours. We are really happy for these people's kindness. We will continue to expose the Jiang regime's inhumane persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, appeal for more people's attention, help stop the killing and rescue persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.