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Let Our Hearts Be United As One

March 06, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in China


I felt ashamed after reading the latest experience-sharing article with Master's comments (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/2/17/32250.html). I have not reached the state of showing genuine concern over fellow practitioners in my cultivation even today. Often when faced with a harsh environment, I feel that the evils are so numerous that I need to rush to eliminate them, but as soon as the environment improved somewhat, I would relax and feel satisfied that I had done enough in rectifying my environment. The evil has always used this loophole and made me feel indifferent with other practitioners' troubles and persecutions, as though these things were quite distant from me. In reality it shows my lack of a complete understanding of my responsibility as a Fa-rectification practitioner.

Whether the persecution is against practitioners inside China or abroad; whether the damage is physical or financial; whether the forms of persecution are savage beatings or hypocritical deception, the evil targets the Fa, not practitioners. Therefore, our hearts need to be united as one, although our tasks may be different.

Dafa practitioner's thoughts are very powerful. If our hearts are united as one; if all of us resist Article 23 in Hong Kong; if each of us rejects the tests that the old forces laid out for the practitioners; if everyone from his heart eliminates evil's persecution on Charles Li, the evil will be frightened and we can eliminate them faster and save more sentient beings. From another point of view, a Fa-rectification practitioner is to be responsible for all righteous factors in the universe. Thus I feel that whether our hearts can be united as one and whether each of us can truly be assimilated in the Fa-rectification process are also requirements that we must achieve.

The above is my personal understanding and I would appreciate fellow practitioners' comments.