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Italy: Falun Gong Is Popular In Genova

March 06, 2003 |   By a Practitioner in Italy

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 26, Italian Falun Gong practitioners were invited to tell people about Falun Dafa and teach them the exercises in the building of the administrative division of Genova in northern Italy. The organizer of the activity had contacted Falun Gong practitioners during an activity held in Turin recently. There were 300 people learning the practice together at that time in Turin. The TV stations in Italy also reported on that event. The organizer of the Genova activity felt very good after learning the exercises in Turin, so she wanted to hold this activity for Falun Gong practitioners in Genova.

It took practitioners three hours to drive to the venue where the exercise teaching was to take place. Before the activity started, practitioners posted the introduction to Falun Gong and the pictures of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China. The earliest arrivals watched the pictures carefully and listened to the music of Pudu and Jishi. Some other people, sitting on cushions, were watching the practitioners demonstrating the five sets of exercises while this beautiful music played in the background.

At the beginning of the activity, there were already more than 40 people. Some even came from other cities. People kept coming after the activity started. The lady who organized the activity briefly introduced Falun Gong. She particularly emphasized the strong flow of energy she had experienced while practicing Falun Gong. She also mentioned what the brutal persecution by the Jiang regime in China had done to Falun Gong practitioners. Afterwards, practitioners taught the exercises to the audience. They practiced them repeatedly to the music. When finishing one set, many people would say, "I felt hot." Almost everyone felt the flow of energy and the great effect of Falun Gong. From their personal experiences, many people were soon aware that their health could benefit greatly from this practice.

Afterwards, practitioners explained the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong in China in detail. These Italians, who had just experienced the first time for themselves the goodness of Falun Gong, could not understand the persecution at all. How could such a peaceful practice, based on "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" be so cruelly persecuted? Practitioners told them that China was an autocratic country under the control of a tyrant. The large number of Falun Gong practitioners aroused the jealousy of only one person, Jiang Zemin, and also resulted in his irrational brutality towards Falun Gong. However, Falun Gong is not interested in politics and does not oppose the government. Falun Gong practitioners are opposed to persecution and murder. Because the media in Italy always reported the human rights problems in China in greater detail, most of these Italians knew what Jiang and his autocratic government were capable of. Therefore, they were in total agreement with the practitioner's point of view. They even verified the practitioner's words with the facts they already knew about the violation of human rights in China.

The activity lasted four hours, but the Italians were not fully satisfied. Some asked when we would practice the exercises again. Some suggested that the organizer hold a weekly exercise practice. Many people obtained Dafa books and Exercise Instruction Videos.

A health teacher said, "This practice is very suitable to be publicized among students. We should teach the practice to the teachers of physical education. Thus, they can teach it to their students."

As Dafa is persecuted in China, it is cherished by more and more people in other regions outside of China, because it is a supernormal practice based on righteous principles. It leads more and more people to walk the path of cultivation practice. More and more people recognize the nature of the evil persecution and stand against the evildoers. When people come to oppose the persecution, the evil will have nowhere to hide, and will be unable to continue.

Lastly, I will cite Master Li's poem to encourage every fellow practitioner:

Dafa is Good

Falun Dafa is good
The colossal firmament illuminated by the Fa's light
Only after the immense force of Fa-rectification sweeps through
Are the boundless wonders known

Falun Dafa is good
Gradually entering the human realm
The sentient beings need not worry
Gods and Buddhas are already smiling