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Latest News from China - 04/03/2003

April 14, 2003 |  


[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Clinic Director of the Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners

Police in the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp brutally persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners who were on hunger strike. They forcibly nasal-fed practitioners with over-salted corn paste. Consequently, their stomachs felt a burning sensation like fire, and they often vomited foam. Guo Xun, the clinic director of the forced labor camp, around 40 years old, repeatedly and in a very rough manner inserted the nasal feeding pipe into practitioners' nose, windpipe, and stomach and then pulled it out, which led to substantial bleeding from these parts of their bodies. These practitioners' lives are in danger.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] The Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp Illegally Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp employs extremely vicious means in persecuting detained Falun Dafa practitioners. As far as we know, nine steadfast practitioners are suffering from torture. Among them are Xiang Lianjie, Wang Zhidong, and Sun Changping. Xiang Lianjie has been persecuted for two years. Because of being forced to sit in the same posture for a long period of time, Sun Changping's back suffers from a comminuted fracture and his walking has been impaired. The details are being investigated.

[Tonghua City, Jilin Province] The Tonghua Public Security Bureau Spends A Huge Sum on Monitoring Cameras Used for Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners

Before the Chinese Lunar New Year [from the end of January to early February], the Tonghua Public Security Bureau purchased a number of video cameras and fifteen police vehicles. The cameras were installed in metal boxes in front of or in the back of steadfast practitioners' homes, or high on top of telephone poles where truth-clarifying materials frequently appear. The Tonghua Public Security Bureau hired more than thirty ex-convicts to monitor practitioners. Each one is paid over 500 Yuan a month. The Bureau has also made it known that in each neighborhood, whoever turns in a Falun Gong practitioner will be rewarded with 5,000 Yuan (before, it was 500-1,000 Yuan). Flyers regarding the above information were distributed in each neighborhood as well. (The average salary for an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.)

[China] Falun Dafa Music Resounds in a Police Substation

The Dafa music Pudu and Jishi can often be heard throughout the whole building of a police substation in China. People often say, "What music is this? It sounds so solemn and stirring?" The political director of the police substation replies, "Just listen, it's good for you!"

The practitioners know where it's coming from: it is because many practitioners near this police substation keep getting close to the building to send forth righteous thoughts and to distribute truth-clarifying materials.

[Jilin Province] Official Reports Say 5,978 Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Sentenced to Prisons or Forced Labor Camps

On February 12, 2003, Zhu Guozhi said in his report to the Provincial Legal and Executive Work Meeting that, from 1999 to 2002, there have been 170 Falun Dafa practitioners jailed and 5,808 practitioners sent to forced labor camps. The total number is 5,978. Given the methods of concealment used by Jiang's regime, this figure is probably very conservative.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Zhiping Is Unjustly Arrested

On the evening of March 5, Zhou Zhiping was unjustly arrested while at home by police from the Hongqijie Police Substation. He is currently being detained in the Daguang Detention Center.

[Lushuihe City, Shenyang Province] Primary School Teacher Discharged from Her Teaching Post

In November of 2001, Tang, the principal of the No.2 Primary School in the Lushuhe Forest Bureau, ordered teachers who practice Falun Dafa in the school to write a so-called "statement of guarantee," which contains at least one sentence slandering the founder of Falun Dafa. Practitioner Sun Fengxia refused right away. How can a teacher slander others? However, Sun was discharged from her teaching post. She tried many times to talk with the authorities of the school and the relevant departments, telling them that she had to support her mother, mother-in-law and her daughter (a student). Yet, the school still refuses to allow her to teach.

[Zhenzhou City, Henna Province] University Student Zhang Lin Is Detained in the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp

Zhang Lin is a student from the Arts Department of Henan University. Before the Chinese Lunar New Year of 2003, she disappeared while she was distributing truth-clarifying materials. Recently, it has been discovered that she is being illegally detained in the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp in Zhenzhou City.

[Xishui Couty, Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Lin Hong'er Is Arrested in Shenzhen City

Lin Hong'er is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Gaofan Village, Wanggang Town of Xishui County. On March 7, 2003, she was arrested in Shenzhen City for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. Practitioner You Xinu from Wusi Village, Guankou Town of Xishui County was unjustly arrested as well on March 7, 2003.

[Fuyu County, Heilongjiang Province] Senior Practitioner Wang Xiuzhen Is Arrested Again

In the late evening of March 8, 2003, Wang Xiuzhen, a practitioner who is nearly 70 years old, was arrested while at home. Her house was ransacked. After extorting a confession from her with torture, they detained her in the Fuyu Detention Center. Because of her persistence in practicing Falun Dafa, Wang Xiuzhen has been detained many times and unjustly sentenced to a forced labor camp twice.

[JiangYuan County, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Xiaolian Is Tortured

Four policemen including Song Shengshun, Qiu Kai and Nu Bo illegally ransacked practitioner Zhang Xiaolian's home on the evening of February 9, 2002. They found some Falun Dafa books and materials, and arrested Zhang Xiaolian, who is around 50 years old. After 34 days in custody in the JianYuan Detention Center, she was transferred to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp and detained in the No.4 Team for 375 days. For the first two days in the forced labor camp she was not allowed to sleep. Police in the labor camp tried to brainwash her. Eleven days later, she was dragged to the police guards' office, where policeman Wang Jing shocked her with electric batons about twenty times. Then she was forced to attend a brainwashing class. Because of her unshakable belief in Falun Dafa, the police in the labor camp made her remain standing until midnight every day. Once she stood until 3 o'clock the next morning. In the forced labor camp, Zhang Xiaolian suffers a lot both physically and mentally.

[Jingyu County, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Wu Xiuqin Leaves Home in Order to Avoid Persecution

Wu Xiuqin was turned in for distributing truth-clarifying materials on February 1, 2003 (the Chinese Lunar New Year), and detained by the "610 Office" in Jingyu County [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems]. In order to resist to the evil's persecution, she went on a hunger strike for eight days, and walked out of the demon's den openly and with dignity. Two days after she went back home, her home was ransacked again. She has had to leave home and go from place to place in order to avoid further persecution.

[Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Detained in the Heilongjiang Female Prison Are on Strike

According to internal sources, practitioners detained in the Heilongjiang Female Prison are on a strike, protesting against the overload of work and forced brainwashing. Currently, the practitioners are deprived of their right to see their relatives, and the information on these practitioners' conditions is being blocked.

[Liuhe County, Jilin Province] Current Situation of Some Practitioners Under Persecution

About six practitioners have been unjustly sentenced to forced labor camp terms ranging from one to three years.
About 100 practitioners have been unjustly detained for 4-5 months.
About six practitioners have been sent to a brainwashing center in the Tonghua Area.
About seven practitioners have become destitute and homeless.
About nine practitioners have had all together approximately 50,000 Yuan extorted from them.
About six practitioners have had their salaries withheld (around 80,000 Yuan). One practitioner had his copier confiscated.