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Heart Warming Stories for People Who Respect Dafa, Sad Stories for Those Who Disrespect Dafa

April 22, 2003 |   By a Chinese practitioner


A fellow practitioner told me two personal encounters that really set people thinking.

Mr. Feng was a neighbor of my sister and he was terribly ill. His family disclosed that Mr. Feng used to have high blood pressure and prostatitis, and recently he suffered a stroke and half of his body was paralyzed. No medical treatment was effective, and he did not have any more money to receive hospital in-patient care. Earlier on, Mr. Feng had found out that all the propaganda about Falun Gong from TV and newspapers was slander and lies. He recognized that Falun Dafa was the Fa of the cosmos, and only Falun Dafa could offer salvation to people in this world. Though Mr. Feng had always saved all truth-clarifying pamphlets after carefully reading them, he had never had a chance to read the book Zhuan Falun. Lying on his deathbed, he asked my sister to pass a word to me, to see if I could get him a copy of Zhuan Falun so he could read it in his final days.

I obtained a copy of Zhuan Falun for him, and he dove into the book, reading more than two chapters per day. After the 10th day, he was free from any sickness symptoms and could start walking around! He told everyone it was Dafa that gave him a second chance to live. Both Mr. Feng and his wife started to practice Falun Gong; they even asked me for truth-clarifying pamphlets so they could distribute them. They wanted all their friends and fellow villagers to benefit from Falun Gong. This heartwarming story spread far and wide. I found out that 4-5 people also started to practice Falun Gong after hearing about it.

There was another story that occurred in our village. There was a man in our village called Mr. Wang. He never read the Dafa truth-clarifying pamphlets. He would tear down any Dafa banners and would swear and curse at Dafa. I went to see him and personally delivered some Dafa material to him, yet he claimed later that he would use the pamphlet as toilet tissues.

Right after the Chinese New Year, Mr. Wang and his son suffered a serious accident while they were driving. The car rolled over and Mr. Wang broke his leg. He spent more than ten thousand Yuan for medical treatment, yet he still did not fully recover. Not only did he suffer retribution, his family members also met with the same fate. More than a dozen of his family members, including two of his daughter-in-laws, his son and grandchildren all got sick. His elder son's wife checked into the hospital due to illness and each day they incurred 400-500 Yuan in medical bills.

[Editors' Note: Whenever we see kind-hearted people being rewarded with good fortune for listening to their consciences and being fair to Dafa or protecting Dafa disciples, we always feel so thankful and are even happier than them. Whenever we see people awaken and correct their wrongdoings after they went astray or went down a wrong path and received karmic retribution, we feel so happy for them, and wish them our sincere blessings. Whenever we see people who are deceived by the lies commit wrongdoings against Dafa disciples, disregarding the warnings from Heaven and going down an evil path from which they might never return, we feel very bad for them. In order to eliminate their hatred and misunderstanding, we are willing to sacrifice everything so that all the sentient beings will have a happy, peaceful, and beautiful future.]
