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Experiencing The Effects of Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

May 13, 2003 |  

May 5, 2003


I am a female Falun Dafa practitioner. In order to coerce me to give up my belief in Dafa, local police officers tricked me into going to the police station on July 20, 2000, and then detained me there for nine days. For the following half year I was watched continuously by police. On China's National Day in 2000 (October 1), with great determination, we resisted the large-scale arrest of Dafa practitioners. When I met up with police, I told them, "You have no right to block my way." I hopped onto my bicycle and left. They didn't chase after me.

In early December of 2000, I planned to go to Beijing together with several other practitioners to peacefully appeal for a stop to the persecution. On December 5th however, the police arrested my husband and laid in wait for me in my home for over an hour. They then monitored my home for quite some time but none of their tricks could stop me from going to Beijing to appeal.

Once we arrived at Tiananmen Square, we attached banners to the rear of police vehicles. At the time I thought, "I have reached my goal of validating Falun Dafa, I don't even care if I am arrested." I then realized that this thought was my tacit approval of the evil persecution. Actually, there were chances to escape, but I was not confident enough and therefore I didn't escape. I was arrested and sent to the Tiananmen Police Department Precinct. Many practitioners who had also just been arrested greeted me. I replied by holding my hands together in front of my chest. At this moment a sacred feeling arose in my mind. All of the Dafa practitioners that had been illegally detained were forced into the basement of the police station. There were several chances for me to escape, but I was constrained by my notions, and doubted if I would succeed, so I was unable to escape.

In the evening, I was sent to a street police station, where I learned about their hypocrisy. The police officer who interrogated me seemed polite and knowledgeable and had some understanding about Falun Dafa, or had read some Falun Dafa books. But his true intention was to trick Dafa practitioners into telling them their addresses so that they could be sent back to their hometowns for further detention. Later I heard the same police officer talking with another police officer, "They even introduced Falun Dafa to me. Now I know everything." This statement was followed with many dirty words. I could feel his wickedness deep in my mind.

The next day, I was detained at a detention center together with another female Dafa practitioner. A policewoman asked me to sign a guarantee, as a condition for my release, which read, "Go home directly, do not stay in Beijing." I told her, "I have no intention to stay in Beijing, but I cannot sign such a guarantee. Even if I just signed a number instead of my real name, it still represents my attitude towards the persecution. We have the right to appeal and the large numbers of people that arrive to appeal proved that the Jiang regime's treatment towards Falun Gong is wrong." Due to my stance toward the persecution I was detained. Many Dafa practitioners had been detained, and they had to sleep on the ground during the night. It was so crowded that one was unable to move for the entire night, and even sitting up was prohibited. There were two meals per day. One consisted of rolls with thin soup and the other was steamed bread with thin soup. The police officers sneered at the Dafa practitioners; the criminals were even crueler. They cursed at and/or beat Dafa practitioners because the police officers supported this behavior. I realized that we should go on a hunger strike to resist the persecution, but I could not have that idea come from the depth of my mind. After about ten days had elapsed, a thought appeared from my heart, "Verifying Dafa with my life." I came to realize that I shouldn't be wasting my time staying in such a place.

During the second day of our detention, we started a group hunger strike. The police officers beat us severely, but we were not afraid of them and didn't even try to dodge their beatings. In the evening, they sent the Dafa practitioners who were determined in the hunger strike to the cells where the drug addicts were detained. The second day, I was force-fed with food that had been mixed with a type of drug. Some practitioners told me that that drug was a magic potion and encouraged me to be firm in my cultivation. In the afternoon, we all vomited blood. During the night, I talked with two other Dafa practitioners and we both agreed that we shouldn't allow them to force-feed us. Back then the Dafa practitioners in the cell were all on hunger strikes, some had gone on for as long as nine days. For the second day, forced feeding was planned. I kept on thinking that I wouldn't cooperate with them. The result was that we weren't force-fed. On the third day, the Dafa practitioners who were on hunger strikes were escorted by police officers to a place in Hebei province.

I learned a bitter lesson during this process. We nine female Dafa practitioners had been on hunger strike to demand an unconditional release, but in our hearts, we lacked confidence. So one by one, the detained practitioners told their names and address, and were taken away, only another woman and I were left. I was confused and knew that I shouldn't cooperate with those evil persecutors by revealing my name and address, but at the same time, I had no confidence that I could or would be released unconditionally (they blocked any information, I didn't see any Falun Dafa practitioners who were released unconditionally). I did not know what was wrong with me. I thought that maybe I was afraid of being sent to the local forced labor camp, so I told them my address and was escorted back to the local police station. Actually that was a tacit acceptance of the persecution in the form of being detained in forced labor camps.

Three days later, a practitioner came to visit me and said, "Beyond the Limits of Forbearance." My mind was enlightened instantly. From the depth of my mind, I thought, "If Teacher doesn't accept it, I won't accept it either." On that day at noon, police officers wanted to send me to a detention center. I was determined to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to the police officers and thought: you should welcome me back if you send me there. On the way, I clarified the truth about Dafa to the police officers with a soft and determined voice, this was the first time I had clarified the truth to the police officers. They started to feel sympathetic towards me, and guaranteed to take me back home, together with my sister after 30 days, and then no longer bother me anymore. I told the police leader, "No, I am too weak, I have been passing blood in my stool for over 20 days, and my whole body is swollen." He said, "then 15 days?" I said, "No!" He said, "So three days?" I said, "Not even for one day."

It turned out that the detention center did not accept me, and I grew over zealous. But in the evening they still sent me to the detention center. In my mind, I refused to accept the detainment at any time. Things like body searches, reporting ID numbers, wearing a jail suit did not happen to me; even my quilt was not searched. I talked to a guard and told him that there was no time shown on the warrant of my detention. He said, "You can leave at anytime." Teacher was reminding me that if you really could put yourself aside, and totally negated the arrangements of the old forces, they would not apply any of these wicked procedures to you.

Back then, two Dafa practitioners who had been detained were on a hunger strike to protest against the persecution. One of their hunger strikes had lasted for over 20 days. At first they didn't quite understand me. They thought that a Dafa practitioner should not be weak physically. My weak physical condition was actually caused by my misunderstanding towards the difference between personal cultivation and cultivation within Fa-rectification, which left loopholes for the evil to take advantage of, and caused more severe calamities towards Dafa practitioners. When practitioners first started their hunger strike, the police officers were scared by the seventh day, but later Dafa practitioners' hunger strikes usually went on for about 20 days. My understanding was that we should stop the persecution and suffocate the evil instead of simply enduring pain to showoff our abilities. We are great because we can catch up with the pace of Fa-rectification, not because we can endure extreme pain. After we talked with each other, the other practitioners' minds became clearer and confident. I also clarified the truth to the criminals in the detention center, who also accepted it. In the evening, I hurt all over. The pain that I felt in my legs was like when I first started to practice the sitting meditation. My body trembled, breathing was difficult, and I felt as though I was dying. The pain that I felt was unbearable. The other Dafa practitioners encouraged me to maintain righteous thoughts. I held on until the morning. Before noon, the guard informed me that I could leave.

When I arrived at the door, the police leader, several police officers, and my younger sister were waiting, no formalities were observed because I reminded myself not to sign anything. During that time I was very weak. When I was close to home, I found out that the police leader didn't look like he was sending me home. I thought, "I am dying, where are you going to send me?" I then became short of breath and felt as though I was dying. My sister held my head and cried. The police leader and the driver were scared. The police leader then said, "Send her home as soon as possible." So they quickly carried my baggage to my home and then ran away. They were afraid of being held responsible if I fainted. My sister asked them for more help, but they ignored her pleas. I made my way into the room by leaning against the wall, I then felt OK. My sister smiled and said, "Are you pretending? I am scared." I replied, "No." I knew in my heart that it was because I kept righteous thoughts at all times, and negated the persecution.

Then I thought of a fellow practitioner's words, "true freedom and leisure of god." On the surface there was no violent resistance. But my mind was determined to not accept the illegal detainment. Since I was clear on the principles of Dafa, Teacher arranged other things. The fact was that on the second morning of my detainment, with my request, the detention center guard called my local police station to ask them to pick me up because I was too weak. The police leader then hurried to the police department precinct to ask for an approval but was denied. Then the branch called the detention center to verify the case, which was then approved. The police leader first picked up my younger sister and said, "Your sister doesn't even want to stay for one day, let's go to pick her up and take her home." They sent me there on the evening of the first day, and picked me up by the second morning. I realized that Teacher is waiting for our righteous thoughts. It's very important to understand all issues from the viewpoint of the Fa.