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Finnish Falun Dafa Association Appeals to the Prime Minister of Thailand Appealing to Release Detained Swedish Practitioner

May 28, 2003 |  

26.5.2003 Helsinki, Finland

Prime Minister Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra

We are Falun Gong practitioners from Finland and we write you again about the issue of a Swedish lady who has now been jailed in Thailand for the past three weeks. Mrs. Pirjo Svensson, a Swedish citizen and Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested in Thailand without any valid reason. Mrs. Svensson was born in Finland and is a very good friend of ours. She is still being detained, even though she is completely innocent. This is very alarming for the international community of those who seek to uphold human rights.

It is obvious that her arrest is due to pressure from China regarding the visit of Chinese Prime minister to your country. For the past four years under Jiang Zemin, the Chinese regime has used every possible means to 'eliminate' Falun Gong both inside and outside China and has then proceeded to cover up the situation with fabricated stories. Jiang and other top officials in China are now facing lawsuits in the US and Europe for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and torture. It is not good for the future of any country to succumb to pressure from a government whose top leaders are committing genocide against their own people.

We hope that the government of Thailand does not listen to the lies that the Chinese regime spreads about Falun Gong. History has shown many times how the Chinese regime has covered up the truth, even while their own people are being killed.

We'd like to assure you that Falun Gong is not against China or its government. Even less so is it against Thailand or any other government. Falun Gong is absolutely apolitical. It is a Qigong practice, which teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. It teaches people to cultivate themselves to become better persons. Practitioners of Falun Gong in China simply wish to practice their belief peacefully, openly and with dignity in a tolerant environment free from any kind of persecution.

The Finnish Falun Dafa Association urges the government of Thailand to release Mrs. Pirjo Svensson, as well as restore her visa. We hope that this misunderstanding can be solved immediately.

Sincerely Yours,

The Falun Dafa Association of Finland
