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Rectify the Fa With Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Deeds

May 29, 2003 |   Dictated and collected by practitioners in China


1. Dafa rescued me from the brink of death

In 1973, a piece of lumber that fell from a big construction truck shattered a bone in my right leg while I worked on a reservoir. The accident resulted in permanent disability. For many years I had to use a cane to walk. My right leg was 2-3 centimeters (almost one inch) shorter than the left one. The muscles on my right leg atrophied. The knee joint and the malleolus joint were swollen and were in chronic pain. Afterwards, the muscles on the right side of my body completely atrophied. Even after receiving pain-killing injections, I could only move several steps. Over the past several years I was clinically dead six times.

On September 15, 1998, I had the good fortune to obtain the Fa. Three months later, the muscles on the right side of my body totally recovered, and both legs became the same length. Seeing the miracles happening to my body, many people in the town came to learn Dafa.

After July 20, 1999, my father told me, "My child, it is your Teacher who gave you a second life. Whatever happens, you need to keep your Teacher in your heart!" I said to myself, "Teacher lengthened everyday of my life! I must treasure every single day, and use everything in my power to validate Dafa."

2. Safeguarding the Fa, and appealing to rectify the Fa

After July 20, many fellow practitioners in my city went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but I did not go because I did not have money at that time. However, I went to the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, the District Government, and the City Police Department. I told them that I had only practiced for three months, but my 25-year-long disability was completely healed through practicing Falun Gong.

Despite this, the government was now refusing to allow me to practice. In addition, they slandered our Teacher and slandered Falun Gong. I wished to prove with my personal experience that the government was wrong. They all said, "We can see you did change into another person. We are happy for your being healthy. If you feel good, just practice at home!" Unfortunately, not long after that, the police department sent some officers to search my house. They took away all my Dafa books. They also abducted me to the police station where they tried to force me to give up practicing Falun Gong. Inside the police station I saw that the book was lying on the table. I grabbed the book and held it to my chest. The police tried to snatch my book.

I shouted loudly, "This book is my lifeblood."

All three police officers present were scared away. At that time, the only thought I had was that it was time for me to practice the exercises and they should let me go immediately. As soon as I had that thought, they released me. After I practiced the exercises, I realized that I did not have books to study the Fa. That was not acceptable, and I must go to them to get them back the next day.

The day after my Dafa books were confiscated, I went to the district police department to ask for the return of my book. The chief of the National Security Section not only refused to return my book, but also threatened to imprison me. On the third day I went to the Appeals Office for the Municipal Party Committee and asked them to return my book. They did not give it back to me, but ordered the security guard to escort me out. I was not moved by that, but went to one of the side entrances of the Municipal Party Committee and sat down.

Having no other avenue to appeal my unjust treatment, I shouted loudly: "I practice Falun Gong! Please come and take a look. The policemen are unreasonable. They went to my home and confiscated all my books. I was lame for 25 years, and had taken tons of medicines that did not work. I have practiced Falun Gong for only three months, and all my illnesses have been cured. My Teacher is the greatest! They treat our Teacher and Falun Gong unjustly!" As soon as I raised my voice, the security guard was frightened and quickly ran away. Many passersby surrounded me. I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them.

3. Breaking out of the evils' den three times with righteous thoughts and righteous actions

Ever since I went to appeal and to validate Dafa, the police frequently sent people to my home to harass me. In mid-December 2000, the police deceived me into attending a brainwashing session. I warned myself that I must not say that I would give up practice. More than 30 practitioners were in that brainwashing session. None of us collaborated with the evil. Eight days passed. The police had become flustered and exasperated and imprisoned all of us in a detention center. As soon as I arrived there I staged a hunger strike to protest the illegal treatment. I said to Teacher in my heart, "This is not the place for a Dafa practitioner. I must quickly return home to study the Fa, practice the exercises, and clarify the truth."

On the third day of my hunger strike, they attempted to give me an injection. I pulled the needle out, and refused to cooperate, hence they were not successful. A young guy said he would force-feed me. I said from the bottom of my heart to him, "Thank you." At that moment, he was so scared that he stepped back three steps. I felt that this compassion was so powerful. They located my husband to come to persuade me. I had already made up my mind that I would not eat or drink anything. My husband also warned them sternly, "If something happens to her, none of you will have a day of peace." As a result, the police released me on the sixth day.

After returned home, I continued doing what a Dafa practitioner should do. The police frequently came and looked for me. The so-called director of the district Political and Judiciary Committee brought newspapers that slandered Dafa for me to read. He also ordered me to curse our Teacher. I sternly warned him: "You officials are too obscene. You do not have any civilized manners. My Teacher is like a parent who teaches us to be good! Why should I curse him? Does that mean you curse your parents several times a day?" He left dejectedly.

After July 20th, I took any opportunity to clarify the truth and expose the lies to save people. Except for clarifying the truth together with fellow practitioners, I usually clarify the truth to people face to face, and send them the truth clarifying literature, regardless of who they might be -- elementary school students, middle school students, the young or old alike. No matter whether I'm walking, shopping, on the way to work or taking the bus, I always use my wisdom that Teacher gave me to clarify the truth to different people with different methods. I tell them about the miracles that happened to me. Certainly, I would always send forth righteous thoughts first to eliminate the evil elements behind them, so that they would not think about bad things; thus the effect was always quite good. I realized that Teacher treasures the lives of us practitioners and sentient beings to the utmost. I had been resuscitated after my heart stopped on six occasions in the past, therefore I feel even stronger about how precious life is. I really treasure every living being that I meet. Teacher had arranged for me all encounters with every person I meet, to tell them the truth, as to offer them salvation. I should not miss this opportunity which may be their only chance to be saved.

On the morning of May 13, 2002, when I was clarifying the truth to a customer at work, a vicious person reported me. Thus, several criminal policemen searched my home, confiscated my property and abducted me to the police station. They attempted to coerce me to tell them the source of these materials. I refused to cooperate. I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Teacher to strengthen me, as well as send out my Gong [energy] to confuse their mind and prevent others from seeing me. After a while, one after another, the policemen went out to lunch. The office of a dozen people was suddenly empty. I walked out of the police station with ease. I thought that I was doing the best and the most righteous thing in the universe, that I did nothing wrong, so I went back home. The police searched around and finally abducted me again from home.

During an interrogation the next day I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa! Restore the reputation of our Teacher!"

The criminal policeman who interrogated me was scared and immediately left. Another one also felt it hard to stay around, so the interrogation was in vain. The guard then ordered three criminals to carry me back to the [detention center] cell. Along the way I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" I told those in the cell, "I will return home in a few days, because I did nothing wrong. It was completely for others' sake!" I continued to clarify the truth to them and they were very willing to listen.

The doctor in the detention center measured my blood pressure. I thought, "Let it be high." As a result, it was terribly high. I was released that afternoon. The police officer who saw me off said, "It took great effort to bring you in here. Then your Teacher assigned us to take you back home." The next day I went back to the detention center to get back my 40 Yuan they had confiscated. The guard said I was stingy. I said, "Dafa practitioners all earn their money with honest, hard work. They use this money for saving lives." He was shocked and returned the money to me.

4. Clarify the truth in the police station and in the city "610 Office" *

Several days later I went back to the police station to ask to have my books returned to me. I took this opportunity to clarify the truth. Many practitioners' books that had been confiscated from our township were locked in a cabinet of this police station. One night several months ago I brought a cloth bag to the police station. The door was locked from inside. I remembered that in Zhuan Falun, Chapter 6 Teacher said, "Once her family members left the house, she would unlock the door just by pointing her fingers at the lock." I also pointed my finger at the lock and it really opened. I could not put all the books in one bag, so later another practitioner and I went back and brought all Dafa books and literature out. Since the police station was just nearby my home, whenever I had time I went to "bring back the books," and clarify the truth to the police and those who passed by. I acted according to Teacher's requirements. With Teacher's reinforcement, I didn't have any attachment to fear or worry. I sincerely wished them [the officers] well and sincerely wanted to save them.

Later, they said the books were handed over to their superiors and asked me to get them from the city officers. I went to the director of city "610 Office" and asked for the books and literature. He said, "Why do you distribute flyers to society and blame Jiang's group, naming them political scoundrels?" I said, "They used money to perpetrate the Self-Immolation Incident to slander our Teacher and Dafa and persecuted Dafa practitioners. Wouldn't you call this hooliganism? You have our Teacher's books here. You can read them. They are totally different from what the TV or newspapers have propagated. Judging by whether you'd like to return the book, we can also see your attitude towards Falun Gong. It is also an opportunity our Teacher has given to you."

He said, "There are few practitioners like you. Many said they gave up." I said, "Before the crackdown, millions like me benefited. Now those who have said they wouldn't practice any more are mostly forced to say so against their hearts. I suggest, for your eternal life and that of your wife and children, that you don't persecute Falun Gong any more." I also reminded him of the principle that goodness and evil reap their own rewards. Later, when I went out of city hall, hearing that I failed to get the books, the guard gave me three brochures, which he said were distributed by Falun Gong practitioners last night. I thanked him and urged him to remember: "Falun Dafa is good!"

Teacher, it is you who pulled me out of hell, again and again, purified me little by little and gave me a new life. Under your merciful care, what I did is just what a disciple should do. However, you made my Gong has grown so quickly and let me see some grandiose, beautiful scenes. What can I do to pay you back? I could only treasure every day, and do even better what a Dafa disciple should to live up to your mercy and salvation!

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.