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Summary of Other Articles and News - 05/25/2003

May 29, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Clarifying the facts to the director of the Public Security Bureau

One day, the local Public Security Bureau director came to my home. He said: "We had our doubts about Falun Gong before. But now, how could we say that it is not good? Nearly four years of arrests and heavy pressure could not stop people from practicing it. They read just one book again and again, and even value that book more than their lives. Intellectuals and famous people like you are even practicing! Can you tell me the true situation of the self-immolation event and the murders against people?" I told him the truth that Falun Gong has been widely practiced by people in over 60 countries and has received more than one thousand praises outside of China. While talking to him, I continuously sent forth righteous thoughts to reinforce the clear side of his mind. When I was done talking, he said: "I will consider the issue carefully, although at my position I have no control." I replied: "I believe you know what to do." He smiled, picked up the video CD I sent to him and said: "I'll discuss more with you in a few days."

Removing Handcuffs and Escaping From a Detention Center with Righteous Thoughts

On the evening of March 11, 2002, police officers came to search my home. To their frustration, they could not find anything that they had expected. They angrily brought me to the police station for interrogation. I refused to cooperate with them and continued to send forth righteous thoughts. They handcuffed me to a radiator at 9:00pm, and I remained handcuffed there for the whole night. The next day, they interrogated me throughout the entire morning without reaching their goal. I was again handcuffed to a steel pipe while the police officers went for their lunch. In my mind, I asked Teacher to help me, and was then able to remove the handcuffs. I had already left the police station five minutes before the guards came back.

The Truth of Dafa and the Changes in People's Thoughts

There is a woman who delivers milk to the front door of apartment buildings. One day, the woman said that her whole family had watched the VCD I gave her. Her daughter responded: "Falun Gong practitioners are actually good! Why does the TV depict them in such a way?" And her son said: "Do you think that there is any truth on the TV? Only the date is correct, but everything else is false." Her husband said: " I have lived almost my entire life, don't I know what the Party is up to? It's always just giving people hard times. What they have done is shameless! Falun Gong teaches people to be good. We believe in Falun Gong."

One time, when I was taking a taxi, I asked the driver if he knew about Falun Gong. He said that his mother-in-law is a Falun Gong practitioner, but he did not understand why people are still practicing it even after the government banned it. I told him why people practice Falun Gong, why practitioners go to appeal and why so many people do not give up their belief while even being arrested or tortured to death. I also let him know that there are people in over 60 countries practicing Falun Gong. When I got out, the young driver gave me his business card and said: "Elder sister, please inform me when you have new materials, I want to learn more about Falun Gong."

Experience Sharing Among Falun Gong Practitioners

A Mainland China Dafa practitioner's Experience of Improvement in Cultivation During the Process of Accessing the Internet: After July 20, 1999, I did not know the address of Dafa websites. Then the Voice Of America (VOA) taught us the skills of how to access their VOA website. I applied these skills and successfully found Dafa websites. I could read both Teacher's new articles and the cultivation experiences of fellow Dafa practitioners. That is a great help to my cultivation. Once I was reported for showing my colleagues the truth clarification materials. After going home, I read an article about internet security, so I deleted many documents. The next night, police officers searched my home. Since I did not cooperate with them, they could not open a system in my computer. It's said they asked for help from computer experts, but still could not open it. Police detained me for 48 hours, then released me. Through the incident, I felt the compassionate hint of Teacher and the great pains Teacher has suffered for us. I also found my shortcomings in understanding Dafa and my lack of experience. Months later, I took back my computer from police officers.

Facts of the Persecution

[Handan City, Hebei Province] Local Dafa practitioners Li Ganlin and Liang Zhigang have been repeatedly detained for long terms. Female Dafa practitioners Yang Fenglian, Li Suying, She Qiaoling, Bai Caiping, Lie Caixia are still detained at the Second Detention Center of Handan City. Female Dafa practitioners Wang Xuezhen and Li Tonge are detained at the first Detention Center of Handan City. They have been detained from between half a year to one and a half years.

News from China

A Young Dafa practitioner's letter to police officers: "I used to be determined to be a police officer when I grow up. However, after July 20th, 1999, I've developed doubts about you police officers in my mind. The grand image of your power and prestige completely collapsed in my heart. Do you know how many children have lost their mothers and fathers because of your actions? Please Wake up! You should learn the truth of Falun Gong; do not follow the wrong path to the end. Please be kind to Dafa practitioners so as to compensate for your wrongdoings, and maybe you will still have opportunities in the future."