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Las Vegas Falun Dafa Practitioners Spread Dafa and Demonstrate the Exercises at Cultural Festival (Photos)

May 04, 2003 |   By Las Vegas Dafa Practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 26, 2003, Las Vegas Dafa practitioners participated in the annual cultural festival held by invitation in the Sahara library. This is the third consecutive year practitioners have participated in this event.

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The booth of Falun Dafa practitioners was distinctive because it did not show commodities, but introduced Dafa.

In the beginning, few visitors came to our booth. To change the situation, the practitioners got a TV and VCR to show videos about Dafa. As soon as they thought of this, they found that there was a spare TV and VCR nearby. The practitioners contacted the person in charge and were allowed to use them. The graceful music and exercise video attracted visitors to stop and watch. A security person watched for half an hour and left happily with some Dafa literature and the exercise demo video cassette.

The practitioners found that after a few years of efforts, local residents had some understanding of Dafa. The American people who knew the truth of the persecution condemned the Jiang regime's criminal acts of trampling on human rights.

The practitioners were invited to demonstrate the five sets of exercises. When the practitioners demonstrated on stage, the audience watched attentively. Some people in the audience followed the hand gestures of the practitioners. After the demo, many visitors came to our booth and requested more information. A gentleman with a suit and tie rushed to our booth at the last minute before we left and said in relief, "I finally found you!"