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"I Also Want to Read This Book"

May 05, 2003 |   Written by a practitioner from the countryside in China

(Clearwisdom.net April 22, 2003)

I started my cultivation after the persecution of Falun Dafa began in July of 1999. At that time, I had seen the persecution campaign's massive reach. However, the Falun Gong practitioners continued to face the danger of being caught and beaten and still went to Beijing to validate Dafa. I could not understand it. With these doubts and misunderstandings, I started to get in touch with Falun Gong practitioners. I found that they were indeed different from other people. They were so broad-minded and generous, and judged everything according to the standard of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance." They were indeed a group of kind people. So, I asked them what was written in Zhuan Falun because I had not read the book. They told me sincerely that this book taught the people the principle of being good and how to raise the moral standard of today's society. I was shocked after I heard this because I had been deceived by the authorities. I thought that it made sense that the book tells people how to be good. Nowadays there are too few good people in the society. So I said, "I also want to read this book."

As soon as I started to read Zhuan Falun, I began to feel that this was not an ordinary book. I read it four times from cover to cover. I was so delighted with it that I could hardly bear to put it down; I feared that it was too late for me to read it. I understood the unsolved mystery of my whole life and changed my outlook on life. Also, my diseases have gradually disappeared. I can do some farm work easily now, which I could not do before. I feel so light while walking, just as Master has mentioned in the book. My family could not understand me at the beginning. After they had seen my body's changes, they started to support me in the practice. I used to be at odds with my husband. Ever since I started my cultivation, I do not quarrel with him anymore; my family has become harmonious.

However, after 2002, the situation with the persecution has become more severe. Practitioners are often caught, beaten and sent to labor camps. So, I decided to write down my own cultivation experience to appeal to all kind people to stand up against this persecution.