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Falun Gong Practitioners in South Korea Comprehensively Clarify the Truth in Depth around the Issue of Rescuing Li Xiangchun

May 08, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners from Seoul

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the global rescue efforts for fellow Dafa practitioner Charles Li, Dafa practitioners in Seoul, South Korea organized a rescue team. Very often people can see them collecting signatures in front of the Chinese Embassy, the Chinese Consulate, on university campuses and at entrances of subway stations.

The places chosen are usually crowded with people. With people coming and going in an endless stream, some practitioners would hold up a picture of Charles Li and keep explaining the facts of his illegal sentence by the Chinese authorities to the public. Some would point to the large-sized photos and explain to passers-by about the brutal torture and persecution suffered by Falun Gong practitioners in China. When people heard their tearful appeals, they responded enthusiastically and went up to sign their names on the petition one after another, calling the Chinese government to immediately release Dr. Charles Li.

When a fellow practitioner was clarifying the truth to a group of five Chinese people, one of them suddenly asked, "There are a lot of secret agents around. Aren't you afraid of being monitored?" The practitioner, pointing to each of the photos bearing evidence of the persecution Falun Gong practitioners suffered in China and peacefully clarified the truth of the persecution. At the end she said, "If what we do can awaken kindhearted people so that we can together stop this brutal persecution and killing and rescue this group of innocent and kindhearted people, then all we give is worthwhile." The five Chinese people were deeply touched by Falun Gong practitioners' sincerity, their determination and their selfless and fearless spirit. Seeing the tears in this practitioner's eyes, they solemnly picked up the pen and signed their names on the petition. One of them said after he learned the truth, "It's too bad. How could such things happen!"

Two newly arrived people from Mainland China came out of the consulate and asked us for help because of their language difficulties. A practitioner warmly helped them make phone calls and also organized transportation for them. They felt extremely grateful. Before they got on the taxi, the practitioner said to them in not-very-fluent Chinese, "Please remember 'Falun Dafa is good'" and "Truthfulness-Compassion -Forbearance is good!" Another practitioner said to them, "You may experience a lot of inconvenience overseas due to language barriers. But if you come across Falun Gong practitioners, they would do their best to help you." The two Chinese people kept nodding their heads and happily accepted our truth-clarification materials.

Through our in-depth comprehensive truth-clarification, more and more people have learned the truth about Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. When hearing the kind words and seeing the kind actions of Falun Gong practitioners, very often there are people who would ask, "Is your Falun Gong here the same as the Falun Gong in China?" Practitioners would tell them, "Yes, all Falun Gong practitioners around the world have the same Master, and we practice the same Falun Gong." They would then ask, "Then why is it that the Chinese propaganda makes Falun Gong look so frightening?" After practitioners patiently answered their question one by one, they suddenly saw the light, "I see. So this is what happened. They [the Chinese government] really shouldn't have done this."

Presently, fellow practitioners have become more and more aware of the pressing task of truth-clarification, and they continue to clarify the truth around a number of important issues such as the rescue of fellow practitioners, the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and the exposure of the cover-up of SARS by Jiang's group to frighten the evil and to wake up the world's people.