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Four Short Stories: "If Jiang Is Not Afraid Of Doing Evil Things, Let Him Do Them. I Want To Do Something Good."

May 09, 2003 |   By Yinyin


80-year-old man regains health after practicing Falun Dafa -- He attempts to reason with "610 office" staff

Before, practicing Falun Gong, an 80-year-old man often couldn't walk due to leg pain. His son is a Dafa practitioner and persuaded him to learn Dafa. After practicing, this man's symptoms were gone and he became healthy again. One day a "610 Office" staff person came to his home to harass him. The man asked the "610 Office" person sternly, "My leg pain disappeared after I practiced Falun Gong. Are you going to carry me around if you don't want me to practice Falun Gong?" Surprised and speechless, the "610 Office" staff person left without another word.

"The folk song is true"

I went on a hunger strike after being kidnapped by the police and was in very bad shape by the 6th day. A few people came and told me that I would be bailed out for medical treatment. One of my relatives and his friend came to pick me up. His friend said, "A popular folk song says that Jiang is afraid of Falun Gong. It is really true. The people who came to discuss your case are all high-ranking officials. Now it's 9:00 p.m., and they came just for you. They must really be afraid of Falun Gong's 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." So what does that make them?"

Family members throw out the police

After I heard that Dafa practitioner Mei would be sent into a brainwashing class, I called Mei's home to tell her. Mei was not at home, and her husband picked up the phone. He was angry after hearing about this information, saying, "There was nobody to take care of the family the last time she was detained, and the child and I suffered together. The old debt is not cleared yet. This time I will definitely not allow them to take her away." Police went to their home later on. Mei was not at home, and her husband threw the police out. They realized that if they would try to arrest Mei again, her husband would fight with his life. They never came back to Mei's home again.

"Jiang is not afraid of doing evil things, so let him do them. But I want to do something good."

My mother gave up practicing Falun Gong after I was illegally sent to a forced labor camp, and her illness came back. A person named Liu, the individual who is responsible for stopping Falun Gong practitioners from practicing in the neighborhood, went to my home and asked my mom what Falun Gong really is. Mom said. "For example, let's just talk about my illness. As you know, I never took any medication and never stayed in the hospital when I practiced Falun Gong. Now that the government does not allow us to practice, what can I do?"

Liu said, "If it is really that good, you should not give up practicing. I think you should continue practicing Falun Gong. I used to tell people door-to-door not to practice Falun Gong. I will not do things like that in the future. If Jiang is not afraid of doing evil things, let him do them. But I want to do something good."