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Russia: Radio St. Petersburg Broadcasts Positive Coverage of Falun Gong

June 27, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of June 6 2003, Radio St. Petersburg invited three local Falun Gong practitioners to the studio for an interview. The interview, which provided positive coverage about the facts of Falun Gong, was put on the air during the evenings of June 7 and June 8.

The program host had a very friendly conversation with the practitioners. The interview covered the topics of human morality and related issues in the present society. Based on their own cultivation experiences, the practitioners explained to the audience that practicing Falun Gong can make people kind-hearted, which will in turn naturally improve society. The practitioners also mentioned that the fundamental way to resolve the various crises in contemporary society is to improve moral standards.

During the interview, the host asked questions about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Jiang regime. The practitioners introduced the reasons behind this illegal persecution, the current situation in China, and the condemnation of Jiang's crimes from the international community. They also told the audience that Jiang Zemin, who is directly responsible for the cruel persecution, is the subject of a lawsuit in North America and Europe for genocide. The trial that is awaiting him will expose his crimes against humanity and allow justice to be done.

The broadcast lasted around 25 minutes. In the background, music written by Falun Dafa practitioners was played throughout the program, ending with the song "Falun Dafa Is Good". This program allowed the general public of Russia to know the facts about Falun Gong. It is also the first time that a major media outlet in Russia has positively reported on Falun Gong since the persecution began on July 20, 1999.