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Stories About Where the Money Comes from for Making Truth-Clarifying Materials

June 03, 2003 |   By Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) One fellow practitioner makes biscuits for a living, and the profit on each biscuit is only 10 Chinese cents. However, to save people from being deceived by lies so that they can understand the truth and have a better future, she often contributes money for truth-clarifying materials. Every time she brings in cash in a big bundle of small bills totaling 70 or 80 Yuan, she clearly marked how much was in each bundle to save other practitioners from counting again. She and her daughter are living below the poverty line, yet she always contributes her hard-earned money to make materials to let the facts about Falun Dafa be known to the public.

Another fellow practitioner owns a barbershop. In order to clarify the truth to people about Falun Dafa and save people, she would contribute 50 Yuan whenever she was able to save it, in order to make materials for clearing up the government lies. Her husband, who doesn't practice Falun Dafa said, I know there is no way you could keep the money for yourself. Don't worry, I will earn the money for our living.

A fellow practitioner bakes for a living. He volunteered to send truth-clarification materials to the countryside villages. Every night he would count the amount of money he made that day, making sure he had enough money to cover travel expenses for sending truth-clarifying materials to at least two places the following day.

These practitioners are validating Dafa with their pure hearts, saving people following our Master's teaching. Though they seem ordinary and anonymous, they are doing great things from both the cultivation standpoint and human being's moral standpoint. Their behavior greatly encouraged me to be a true Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple every moment.

May 18, 2003