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Dafa Practitioner Mao Yongchun and His Family are Persecuted by Police in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province

June 03, 2003 |  


Since July 20, 1999, Mohudian Police Station personnel in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province have closely followed Jiang's orders and relentlessly persecuted Dafa practitioners in the region under their control. They have abducted practitioners, ransacked their houses, and thrown practitioners into forced labor camps, prisons and mental hospitals. Practitioners who only want to be better people and believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance have suffered devastation of both mind and body.

On March 27, 2003, Dafa practitioner Mao Yongchun (male, 60 years old) was illegally seized by the police and taken to the Mohudian police station. He was later detained at Lingyuan City Security Bureau. On the 1st of April, Mao Yongchun was diagnosed with heart disease, so the police reluctantly released him. On the morning of April 18, Mohudian station policemen Chen Guojun, Jing Quanlong, Wei Qiang and Dong Gang broke into Mao's house. While he was repairing his house, police once again illegally took Mao Yongchun to the police station. Later, Mao was directly taken to Zhaoyang Forced Labor Camp, where he was viciously tortured.

Four generations of Mao Yongchun's family live together. His mother is 86 years old, and his youngest granddaughter is only four years old. His only son works in Beijing and cannot return home, as a result of the quarantine in Beijing due to the SARS epidemic. His wife is 60 years old and unemployed. Mao earned his living by repairing shoes and bicycles, which was the family's only source of income. Since Mao was illegally detained in a forced labor camp, the family has lost their only source of income. The 86 year-old mother now suffers from insomnia, and has lost her appetite and a lot of weight. She went to the police station a few times to demand the release of her son, but each time she was dragged to the police car, while the policemen cursed her. Upon her return home, the elderly woman felt heart-broken upon seeing the sad and miserable situation of the family. On May 5, she and her 12 year old granddaughter once again went to Mohudian police station to demand the release of her son. The police station superintendent, Zhao Wen, while watering plants, took the opportunity to pour cold water onto the helpless grandmother and her grandchild. He taunted the young girl, saying that her principal would dismiss her from school, and he also threatened to quarantine both the elderly lady and her granddaughter as SARS patients. After the policemen went off duty that night, they dragged the grandmother outside and threw her on the ground, then locked up and left. The policemen hurt the woman's leg while dragging her outside, and she had to stay outside the police station alone for two days and one night, without any food or drink.

We are calling on all righteous people, human rights organizations, women's associations all over the world, and all governments, to extend their helping hands to stop the cruel persecution of kind people at the Mohudian police station in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. Please request that "The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" ("WOIPFG") record this story, investigate, and put these inhumane people on trial.

Mohudian Police Station, telephone: 86-421-6833344

Mohudian Police Station Superintendent, Zhao Wen, Telephone: 86-421-6835566

Policemen: Kang, Chen Guojun, Jing Quanlong, Wei Qiang, Dong Gang

May 12, 2003