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Russia: Information and Public Facility Association Supports Falun Dafa Activities

June 05, 2003 |  

Information and Public Facility Association

April 21 2003

Mr. Alexander,
Manager, Trans-Russia Exhibition Centre

Dear Mr. Alexander,

Please accept our best wishes to you for the upcoming national holiday. We would like to share the following information with you.

We received a letter from the Falun Dafa Information Centre, requesting assistance in their activities that are to be held for World Falun Dafa Day in the Trans-Russia Exhibition Centre on May 11th.

Under my management, the Information and Public Facility Association has specialised in political consultation and planning for the past eight years. At present, the Association is preparing a draft for a special project on "National Interests" for several political parties.

Using the abundant experience accumulated by our Association, our specialists have investigated the activities of Falun Dafa practitioners. Our information indicates that there are about 100 million people in almost half of the countries in the world practising Falun Dafa. Our investigation had led to the conclusion that the activities of Falun Dafa do not violate the laws of Russia.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that there is a complicated history between Falun Dafa and the Chinese government because the spiritual values promoted by Falun Dafa conflict with Communist Party theory. Judged by the democratic characteristics of the political system in Russia, however, I believe the activities of Russian Falun Dafa practitioners will mature and establish freedom of belief, a right protected by the Constitution.

Mr. Alexander, based on these foregoing reasons, I would like to ask your permission for Falun Dafa practitioners to use Trans-Russia Exhibitions Centre for their activities on May 11.

Respectfully yours,


Article from: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200306/12874.html