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Open Letter to Xiamen City - Sister City to Maroochy Shire, Queensland, Australia

July 11, 2003 |  

To the Honourable People's Government of Xiamen City,

We citizens of the Maroochy Shire, Qld. Australia, sister to Xiamen City, are shocked to learn that many of our Australian citizen's family members are being incarcerated and subjected to the most unlawful abuse inside China's forced-labour camps. For simply practising Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), a traditional exercise and meditation system that encourages the development of one's heart and moral nature by living in accord with the principles of 'Zhen, Shan, Ren', ('Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance') they and their families' lives have been subjected to such unnecessary suffering!

Imprisonment of any individual based on their beliefs is regarded by the international community as a gross violation of human rights, an act against humanity. Both international laws and your own constitution offer protection for one's freedom of belief. China, in fact, is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. China, like all nations, has a duty to firmly uphold its agreement in this matter.

Recent international lawsuits against the former President, Jiang Zemin and other Communist Party officials for crimes against humanity and genocide are now in progress in the United States, Switzerland and France. They will all soon stand trial for every unlawful act perpetrated toward your fellow citizens. We understand that over 20,000 cases of persecution have been documented at www.fawanghuihui.org and the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) is carrying out systematic investigations into all the brutal crimes against these innocent Falun Gong practitioners, including those family members of our Australian citizens.

Here in Australia, just one of the 60 countries where Falun Gong is supported and practised openly, we cannot remain silent while this inhumanity continues throughout China. All of those who are incarcerated and tortured for their beliefs must be released and reunited with their families. We appeal to your good nature for the immediate and unconditional release of all Falun Gong practitioners detained in Fujian Province. Many thousands of innocent practitioners throughout China remain prisoners of conscience and should never have been victimised and deprived of their fundamental rights to freedom! In fact, since 20th July 1999, the persecution has escalated to over 750 people having lost their lives as a result of this relentless attack on Falun Gong.

We sincerely ask of you to please inform your family, friends and colleagues of this widespread injustice and take action in diminishing this shadow cast over your beloved country. History has taught us that to blindly follow orders cannot constitute any excuse for one to be involved in such cruel treatment against a fellow human being. Please understand that goodness is rewarded with good and evil actions must soon invite retribution. Justice will prevail!

As citizens of Australia, we are hereby voicing our deep concerns for the freedom and wellbeing of your people and the prosperity of China. The reputation of Falun Gong will soon be restored and already the virtues of 'Zhen, Shan, Ren' have found their rightful place in the hearts of millions worldwide. The timeless and precious qualities of Falun Gong are indeed principles to be treasured by all humanity for a more peaceful and tolerant society, now and for the future.

Please find enclosed some relevant information printed from www.minghui.org regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Fujian Province.

Yours faithfully,

Falun Gong practitioners, Australia.