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Public Appeal from Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong: Guard Hong Kong, Guard Our Consciences, Eliminate the Evil Law

July 15, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) July 11th report: on July 1st, more than 500,000 people marched through the streets of Hong Kong, which eventually forced the Tung Chee-Hwa government to postpone implementation of the Article 23 legislation. We are sincerely happy that so many people saw the potential harm Article 23 would bring, and that they were able to step forward to uphold human rights and resist the evil law in a peaceful and rational manner. The people of Hong Kong realize they must choose a bright future for themselves.

That notwithstanding, the Tung Chee-Hwa government still claims Article 23 should be enacted as soon as possible, which shows the "Black Hand" in the background is still trying to harm people. This behind-the-scenes "Black Hand" is the extremely vicious dictatorial regime of Jiang Zemin. More and more clear-minded people have realized this fact. It is this malicious and atrocious "Black Hand" that has persecuted Falun Gong for nearly four years. The persecution, all of it, is based on lies. This dictatorial regime even tries to extend the persecution to Hong Kong, Macao and foreign countries.

In this current situation with a relatively relaxed atmosphere, some just and kind people want to continue the consultation and making of the National Security Bill draft, which solidifies Article 23. Regarding this issue, we must say: In its persecution of innocent people, the Jiang regime has never complied with any law. Article 23 is not a sheet of paper with words; it started with malicious intentions because it was always connected with the extremely evil, political villain group in Mainland China. It is a knife the Jiang regime intends to use to suppress Hong Kong's human rights and freedom, Falun Gong and other peaceful dissident groups in Hong Kong. It will cause dreadful long-term damage to Hong Kong's future. Currently, the National Security Bill is being revised, but this knife will still hurt people and even kill people. The fundamental solution, therefore, is to destroy this knife by completely doing away with this planned legislation. From a certain perspective, continuing the revision based on the current content is condoning the bad intentions behind the legislation.

People of insight have pointed out that Article 23, manipulated by Jiang's regime, will cause deep, long-term and even irredeemable damage to human rights, the law, the economy and people's lives in Hong Kong. The essential problem is that it is going to destroy the bright future of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong people and will hurt not only Hong Kong, but the whole country. Such an evil law and the "Black Hand" behind it must be eliminated. Negating this legislation will allow the whole society to calm down so people can have time to think rationally. This by itself will benefit Hong Kong.

We believe that in a proper time in the future, when the "Black Hand" has become history, the people of Hong Kong will make healthy laws for themselves that truly uphold human rights. As for those who insist on enacting this evil law to persecute the people, if they continue to do so, they will not be able to escape responsibility in a society of the future with a healthy legal system. They will face the trial of justice.

In fact, the great historic trial of justice has already begun. On October 22, 2002, the first day of Jiang Zemin's visit to Chicago, U.S.A., victimized Falun Gong practitioners and their families filed a lawsuit in a U.S. Federal District Court, charging Jiang Zemin and his accomplices with genocide, torture and other crimes against humanity. Similar lawsuits have been and are being filed in Europe and other regions of the world. To an even greater extent, the trial of Jiang will be carried out comprehensively in people's hearts and the courts of social justice. We firmly believe that the heavens will see to it that all kind-hearted people are protected, and that those persecutors and their accomplices will be held responsible for their evil deeds, and will have no place to hide and escape. All good people will benefit immensely from this global great trial, and a bright future for all these people will be imminent.

At this critical historic moment, we sincerely hope that you will support this international effort. Let's all work together to eliminate this evil law and the "Black Hand," guard Hong Kong, guard our consciences and let Hong Kong and the whole world be filled with sincerity, kindness, and justice.

Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong

July 9, 2003