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Suggestion To Practitioners Outside China: Pay Attention to Practicing the Exercises in Public to Validate Dafa

July 21, 2003 |   By Dafa practitioners in Montreal, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) Doing Falun Gong exercises outdoors has many advantages. We can practice the exercises, and at the same time, validate Dafa and introduce Dafa to the public. So people can learn more about Falun Gong with their own eyes and make their own judgments.

I remember that during the International Human Rights Conference in Geneva, we applied for permission to practice the exercises in front of a shopping center. One lady in her 50's noticed the slow and gentle movements of the exercise as she was walking out. She enjoyed watching them very much and said, "This is not at all like what the Chinese government has said."

On one occasion in Chinatown I did the sitting meditation. After doing the exercise I went to the truth clarifying posting boards; one gentleman came to me there and said, "I watched you for a long time, you sat there so peacefully and were so calm, how can it be like what is said in the Chinese government's propaganda? It is not like that."

I think that weekends and holidays are good opportunities to validate Dafa by means of practicing Falun Gong exercises at tourist destinations. We don't have to go to others countries to do this. Instead, people from different countries come to visit ours. Psychologically, people like to look for different kinds of things while touring places. The calm and peaceful appearance, slow and gentle movements following the harmonious music will attract the attention of people who walk by.

Dafa practitioners are very busy. We feel that there is not enough time to do what we want to do. But we still need to practice the Falun Gong exercises. If each of the Dafa practitioners overseas could practice Falun Gong at a tourist location once or twice a week, the tourists who see Falun Gong may tell their friends and relatives back home about what they saw, thus taking with them the truth about Falun Dafa to various parts of the world. If we practice Falun Gong outdoors in public, the predestined people will definitely be led to us.

Master Li said in 'Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference': "So in today's world, we can't not be responsible for other sentient beings, we can't not be responsible for other sentient beings' obtaining the Fa in the future, and we can't not lay a foundation for other sentient beings to obtain the Fa in the future, because they could well be beings from your system." Master Li also said this year in 'Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference': "If a nationality or a country doesn't have Dafa disciples right now, it will bring them a ton of difficultyí and that's at a very minimum. So no matter how few Dafa disciples there are in a certain place, that is hope for that nationality."

When we practice Falun Gong exercises in public, we are at the same time clarifying the truth to the people and creating the conditions for people to obtain the Fa in the future. When we practice the exercises there; it seems that we are doing nothing else, but we are probably doing a lot more. Although we practice there quietly without uttering a word; one picture is probably worth a thousand words. Truth clarifying materials can be placed next to the practice site so that people who wish to learn the truth can pick them up by themselves. The pictures and words on the display boards explain to them clearly that Dafa is widespread in the world and that it is also being persecuted viciously in Mainland China. Some people may wait for us to finish the exercise to ask for more information on the subject.

I think that the criminals who persecute Dafa practitioners are the most scared when they come to know that other people can see Falun Gong practices in America, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc; thus this is also what Dafa practitioners should do. The Chinese people touring overseas would also tell other people about what they saw when they go back to China. Furthermore, people are more willing to accept the truth clarifying materials handed to them when they see the practice, and the truth clarifying can thus achieve a better effect.

Time passes quickly, let us cherish the summer!

July 11, 2003