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Wind and Rain Should Also Conform to Practitioners Validating Dafa and Saving Sentient Beings

July 03, 2003 |   By a Canadian Dafa Disciple

(Clearwisdom.net) Just before I went to Ottawa to participate in the rally in support of bringing Jiang to justice on June 11, I benefited from a group discussion with fellow practitioners, and gained a clearer understanding of the significance of Fa-rectification activities. When my true heart emerged, I decided to participate in the major events for collectively validating Dafa, exposing Jiang's evil persecution, and clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to the Canadian government and people.

I arrived in Ottawa early in the morning. While I stood in the pouring rain with my fellow practitioners holding a poster board on Parliament Hill, my heart was particularly calm and steadfast. I knew that no matter how the wind and clouds changed and no matter how inclement the weather, the evils in other dimensions all lingered on in a steady decline, with no roots.

I felt my xinxing rising as I calmly looked at the pouring rain. Steadfast righteous thoughts rose in my heart: the mighty virtue of Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period was not built on tests by the evil, but established through validating Dafa, clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. Only when the wind and rain in the human world conform to Dafa disciples' validating Dafa and saving sentient beings, will it be making a wise choice. This is because in Master's Fa-rectification, there are no factors worthy of testing the perseverance and confidence of a Dafa disciple's validating Dafa and saving sentient beings. With the continuous righteous thoughts of Dafa disciples, blue sky and bright sunlight were soon ushered in on Parliament Hill. My heart was still calm, without surprise or excitement, because the result of a battle between righteousness and evil should be like this.

When practitioners enumerated the crimes against humanity, genocide, and torture carried out by Jiang, I clearly knew that in the court of my conscience and morality, the head of the evil has already been found guilty and sentenced. In my dimension, the existence of the head of the evil is no longer permitted. When the sentient beings recognize Jiang's nature from their conscience and morality, and know the truth of the persecution, and come to oppose the persecution, it is time for the old forces and the head of the evil to completely exit from this historical stage.

Members of Parliament gave speeches in the afternoon in support of Falun Dafa. Then I realized that it was the mighty virtue of Dafa, and the compassion and purity of Dafa disciples that awakened the understanding of sentient beings and sparked their kind thoughts to support Dafa. Who could say that the MP who was moved to tears did not feel the extraordinary wonder of Dafa? Who could say that these supportive MP's have not benefited from Dafa? In fact, it is Dafa that has established the foundation of life and the universe! While we thank the government and the MP's for supporting Dafa, we should not forget that Dafa disciples truly play the main role. Any expectations or thoughts in which we rely on things such as the human legal systems or certain individuals, organizations and groups to eliminate the persecution, are not right. Of course, we know that these individuals, organizations, groups, and legal systems in the human world are precisely the ones that Dafa disciples are going to save, and that only Dafa disciples could truly do this.

On the day after I returned from Ottawa, I went to send forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Consulate to support the court hearing in Chicago, where the Amicus Curiae was jointly signed and submitted by members of the U.S. Congress, requesting the court to proceed with the lawsuit against Jiang. Some Tibetans happened to be shouting in protest in front of the Chinese Consulate that day. The Falun Dafa practitioners continued to send forth righteous thoughts every half hour and practiced the exercises in between. We did not realize it when it began to rain lightly, and went on practicing and sending forth righteous thoughts.

With the rationality and wisdom cultivated in Dafa, the harmony of cultivators manifested in the human world once again. A fellow practitioner went to talk with a Tibetan group leader, because we hoped to quietly do the sitting meditation and sending forth righteous thoughts for 15 -20 minutes at around 12 o'clock. They cooperated very well. At the time of global sending forth righteous thoughts at 12 o'clock, the Tibetans stood quietly and waited for us to finish.

It was still raining, but my heart was clean, clear and bright.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the ground was thoroughly wet, and the ground surrounding the mat was wet, but my clothes were dry. I understood that the test with the bad environment had no effect on Dafa disciples.

These are just my personal understandings. Please compassionately point out anything improper.