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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 8/20/2003

August 26, 2003 |  


News From Abroad

On August 16, 2003, Hollywood mayor Jeff Prang attended the Los Angeles County "Falun Dafa Week" celebration ceremony. He also accepted an interview with the media. Mayor Prang told the journalist that the Chinese Consulate used to send him propaganda materials that slander Falun Gong, but he found the materials to be "very immature" and "illegal," which made him very angry. Mayor Prang said he thinks "Falun Gong emphasizes the best side of human nature" and also said, "because Falun Gong's principles are very good and are beneficial to our morality, you cannot oppose their principles, regardless if you practice or not." He believes "many people will benefit from Falun Gong."

News from China

The head of a factory in Shenyang City, China, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. One day he went to visit his sister while she was reading the Fa with several other Dafa practitioners. He listened to them and said with surprise, "Oh, Dafa is so good! If all Chinese people were like this, wouldn't this country be good?" He further said, "I will also study it." He immediately began studying the Fa and doing the exercises. When he finished listening to the fifth lecture tape by Master, he vomited blood and his karma has begun to be eliminated. Two days later, he became a completely healthy person.

Truths About the Persecution

1. Recently, perpetrators at the "610 Office" in the Maoming City Brainwashing Center, officially named the "Maoming City Legal Education School," injected determined practitioners' heads with drugs that damage their central nervous system. It was learned that many practitioners became delirious and could not stand upright after the forced injection.

2. Around 60 Dafa practitioners are being illegally detained at Handan City Labor Camp. The "610 Office" sent a so-called professor to the labor camp. This imposter is actually an ignorant political roughneck named Gao Fei. He twisted the Fa in an attempt to deceive practitioners. When that failed, Gao intensified the persecution with sleep deprivation and electric batons. Usually, he forces the practitioners to do exercise drills, read Dafa-slandering materials and view videotapes.

3. Announcement from the Fushun City Organization to Investigate Persecutors of Falun Gong Practitioners: from 1999 when Falun Gong began suffering persecution, the Fushun City "610 Office," the legal, judicial and court systems under control of the "610 Office" and broadcast and propaganda departments followed Jiang's directives and persecuted thousands of innocent Falun Gong practitioners. 1. The brutal persecution led to the death of 18 practitioners; 2. Former Falun Gong practitioner Dou Zhenyang gave in after suffering inhuman tortures, and CCTV made up a case of "overthrown train in Fushun City;" 3. Atrocities in labor camps: the police guards poke the practitioners' face, legs and fingers with electric needles; they hang the practitioners up until the tendons in their legs are torn which led to paralysis; they hit the practitioners' heads so hard their eardrums are pierced and they go blind; some practitioners suffered a nervous breakdown from the brutal torture. 4. Falun Gong practitioners' families and work units are implicated; 5. Justice will prevail. Head criminal Jiang Zemin is facing trials around the globe.

Please note: The "610 Office" is an agency specifically established to persecute Falun gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

4. At least several hundred Falun Gong practitioners were illegally detained at the "Shiyan Legal Education Class," a brainwashing center in Hubei Province. The enforcers in the center deprive the practitioners of their personal freedom; they beat and curse the practitioners and brutally torture them; they loot the practitioners' money and belongings; they violate the law and subject practitioners to high pressure to achieve a "reform quota."

5. Zhang Lei, head of the Political and Security Division for the Shijiazhuang City Police Department in Hebei Province used various base means to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. He committed too many crimes and brought disaster on his family members. His wife is in her 30's and is suffering from cancer.

6. Beginning in early 2003, vicious guards at No. 3 Labor Camp in Shanghai City indulged in a frenzy of persecution against Dafa practitioners. Particularly after April 10, the guards detained determined practitioners in solitary confinement and ordered several prisoners to brutally torture them. Once such method used was to burn a practitioner's head and neck with a lit cigarette. The scars are still visible even now. Guard Zhao personally and brutally beat the practitioners and forbid a practitioner to sleep for four days and four nights. One practitioner suffered a nervous breakdown from torture, yet the guards still would not let him sleep for several days; they tortured him, using various means.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

1. During the morning of July 18, Yanqing County Police Department officials in Beijing dispatched many officers who had a nervous look on their face as they quickly went to the center of East Street in Yanqing County. Some of them took pictures; others took measurements and some wrote reports. It turned out a truth clarification banner reading "Falun Dafa is good, Falun Dafa is a righteous Way" around three meters long (approximately 10 feet long) had appeared in the street. It was the sole cause for all this hustling. Some police officers even revealed the guns they brought, and additional plainclothes police showed up. Passersby and people who heard about it all said, "Why are they afraid of these words?"

2. Right after July 20, 2003, four officers from the Baizhai Village Police Station in Jize County broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Jia Chunyou. They dragged Jia outside. Zhu, one of the police officers, yanked the hair of practitioner Jia's young child and pushed him to the ground while grabbing his neck. Jia's wife went to stop the police but was also pushed aside. Dafa practitioner Mr. Jia Chunyou clarified the truth in a loud voice. He held onto the door of the police car and shouted, "fellow villagers, come out and see! The police are arresting good people!" His neighbors heard him. Many came out and condemned the police for doing evil and arresting good people. Some of them tried to pull the practitioner away. The police became afraid when they saw they had angered the people. Eventually, Mr. Jia Chunyou got rid of the evil police officers with the help of his fellow villagers.