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Father And Son Dialogue: Your Mother's Words Are Correct - We Are The Good People And We Should Not Be Afraid Of The Bad People

August 29, 2003 |  


Father and Son Dialogue: "Your Mother's Words are Right - We are the Good People, and We should not be Afraid of the Bad People"

When a young man returned home from work, he was surprised to find his father reading Zhuan Falun and said, "Mother has been pressured and harrassed so much that she was unable to stay at home. Why do you start reading and practicing now?" His father answered, "Now I have thought it over clearly and realized your mother's words are right. It is us - We are the good people, and we should not be afraid of the bad people. A few days ago, I began to read Zhuan Falun and my mind and heart became very relaxed immediately. I did not know that Zhuan Falun is such a truly good book. Now the more I read the book, the more I like to read it. I truly regret that I did not read it earlier. My son, I hope you do not just superficially understand that Falun Dafa is good. All the material against Falun Dafa on TV are slanders and lies. You should read Zhuan Falun for yourself so that you can have a much clearer mind about what is going on about the persecution of Falun Gong.

"It is Worthy"

While telling the truth to Chinese people, some always ask, "How much do you have to spend to make this literature and phone calls?" I told them that all the money for making truth clarification literature and phone calls comes from the money Dafa disciples saved during their work and study. They ask again, "Is it worth it?" I told them that "it is definitely worth it." When I think of the numerous sentient beings who came to this world, roaming all their life to strive for their individual gratitudes, grudges and joy, yet they have forgotten the happy and free paradise they used to have and live in. If one Dafa disciple's effort can help them recover their bearings and return to the fold, it would be very precious.